Back down to reality

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"Wait Carina" Maya tried to say as she watched her climb out but it didn't stop her.

She grabbed her towel and dried herself off before heading inside. "Fuck" Maya muttered.

The blonde got out and dried off as quickly as she could before going inside.

"I just realised I have a thing early morning tomorrow I'm just going to call an Uber to go home" Carina said, looking at her phone.

"You said you didn't have plans tomorrow?".

"An appointment" Carina said.

"On a Sunday?" Maya furrowed her brows.

"Er yeah" Carina said, tapping away at her phone.

"Okay okay wait. You can go home but let me just speak to you first, please" Maya pleaded. Carina looked at her so she continued, "what's wrong? What's just changed? One minute we're laughing around and the next you desperately want to leave".

Carina sighed, "look I know we've done nothing wrong, but I think I should leave before I do something I might regret in the morning. It's so easy to flirt with you, and I don't really want to stop. But I should, because I have a boyfriend. Regardless of whether he is out on the stag do cheating on me, because apparently that man can't resist a stripper in a bar, or not, I need to be the better person. I am a loyal person Maya. So I'm going to go".

"Hey okay, I'm sorry. I know you're a good person, I can see that. I agree, the flirting with you is easy, and so natural, but I'll stop I swear. I've had a great time tonight and I'm not sure I want to say goodbye just yet" Maya laughed lightly.

"I'm probably just over reacting because I keep worrying that Carter is going to cheat on me this weekend... which sounds ridiculous because of what I've done and said to you tonight".

"No no absolutely not. You're a naturally flirty person, I can see that. So am I. We didn't do anything tonight to cross the line. Some random flirting isn't cheating. It would be cheating if I grabbed your waist and kissed you, but I'm not doing that am I?" Maya offered a small smile.

"I guess you're right... I'm sorry" Carina laughed lightly, "I'm such a mess".

"Like you said you're a loyal person" Maya said, "I can take a step back and stop the flirty stuff to respect our boundaries... I just don't want you to run away from me and avoid me... I've only just got you" Maya smiled.

"I don't want to run away either" Carina smiled, hugging Maya, "I'm sorry for being a drama queen".

"You're not being dramatic I swear" Maya explained as she pulled away, "now go and check your phone to see if that boyfriend of yours has texted you back" she smiled.

Carina picked up her phone and Maya saw a smile appear, "he's back at the hotel and said he'll ring me tomorrow" Carina explained.

"Perfect" Maya smiled, trying to hide her jealousy as much as she could.

After they dried off, Maya showed Carina the way to her room, giving her clothes to sleep in and everything else she needed.

"Right well the light is there, I'll see you in the morning" she smiled.

"Wait where are you going?" Carina asked.

"You can sleep in my bed I'll sleep out here".

"I thought you said the spare room was getting decorated?" Carina asked.

"It is... I'm sleeping on the couch and before you say no-".

"No" Carina cut her off, making Maya laugh. She stepped towards the blonde and grabbed her hand to pull her to the bed, "we can share ok".

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