Tension & Tequila

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Carina: this is going to sound crazy and stupid and everything else, but I need to say this

Amelia: go on...

Carina: you can't judge me okay?

Amelia: I won't!!! I swear 💗

Carina: I think I'm falling in love with her already.

The morning after Carina and Maya woke up, kissing and cuddling in the tent. They made breakfast with Lucas, Emma and Nel before going on a walk together. They eventually packed up the site, said their goodbyes and made their way home.

It was now the following week, Thursday, and Carina was getting ready for work. Tonight, herself and Maya were going out for drinks with Carina's best friend in LA, Amelia. Both Maya and Amelia wanted to get to know each other better so they were all excited.

Carina and Maya also had plans for Saturday night too, as their company were throwing a party for all of the office staff to raise money for charity.

All week Carina had been telling Maya that she couldn't find anything to wear so she decided to mess with the blonde a little.

She picked up her phone and went on the internet for her 'outfit'.

Carina: Bella I finally found my outfit for Saturday night. I've just ordered it, I know you're going to love it 🥰

Maya came back seconds later.

Maya: thats great baby... let me see😏

Carina: that would ruin the surprise 🤔

Maya: I'm not very patient at waiting 🙃

Carina: fine... this is it

Seconds later Maya was ringing Carina's phone

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Seconds later Maya was ringing Carina's phone.

"You can't be serious" Maya said.

"What?" Carina giggled, "I like it... I thought you'd like it too" she said suggestively.

"I would if we were alone just before I fucked you, but not to our work party no".

"I can't return it so I'm going to have to wear it" Carina said, trying to hold her giggles in.

"Baby I will buy you the most expensive dress in the world, I can't sit back and watch everyone drool over you at the party while I can't do anything because no one knows we're together".

"Maya I like it so I'm wearing it... it's good because I don't even need to wear any underwear" she said, making Maya's eyes go wide.

"Carina seriously is this a joke? I can't tell you what to do but if you wear that dress to the party I'm not going" she said firmly, making Carina burst out laughing.

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