Chapter 4

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Apartment Building 14
Naval Base Oscar, Kylar II
May 25, 2487, 0445 Local, 1125 UT

Andrew's alarm clock went off at 0445 waking Kaitlyn and him. He reached over and shut off the alarm.

"Already?' a tired Kaitlyn asked.

"You can sleep in," Andrew said giving her a kiss.

"And miss my last day of sending you off to work? I don't think so," she teased. Andrew and Kaitlyn both had the weekend off and she would return to duty on Monday. "Get ready. I'll start the coffee," she told Andrew.

Andrew admired Kaitlyn's naked body as she slid out of bed and put on a robe. By the time Andrew went to the head and got dressed, Kaitlyn had the coffee poured and English muffins ready since neither of them were big breakfast eaters. I could get used to this, thought Andrew.

"Do you need the vehicle today?" Andrew asked as he bit into a muffin.

"No. I am going to relax and enjoy my last day off. I'll make you dinner though," she replied.

"We could eat out," Andrew offered.

"No. This is the first week I have ever got to do the domestic thing and I kinda like it."

"I'm glad you do. I can't wait until you are my wife," Andrew said sipping his coffee.

"Me neither," Kaitlyn said glancing down at her ring.

"Well, I better head in," Andrew said, smiling and pleased that Kaitlyn was so happy. He loved watching her look at her ring. She thought he didn't notice, but he did. He didn't want to say anything because he was afraid it would embarrass her and she would stop doing it. Kaitlyn walked him to the door and gave him a kiss goodbye.

Andrew arrived at Fourth Fleet Headquarters at 0530. He retrieved the dispatches and began reading. The third message he read stunned him.


From: Commanding Officer, ESS Argentina (D‑868)
To: Commander, Fourth Fleet
Subj: Action Report

1. On May 25, 2487 at 0834 UT, lookouts and sensors noted
a ship exiting Stealth Mode for a period of approximately
three seconds and then return to stealth mode inside the
Kylar system.

2. ESS Argentina, on my authority and in accordance with
message 220524871402U, fired four missiles at said ship
with negative impact.

3. ESS Argentina is remaining in the area in an attempt to
relocate the stealth ship.

Why wasn't I notified? Didn't we just address this with the message about Mexico hitting the stealth ship. The Admiral himself had told the clerks that we should be alerted to anything of this nature. So why? Andrew asked himself as he checked the time. The message was almost four hours old! He connected to Admiral Morris' home on the comm unit.

"Yes, Wilson?" the Admiral said.

"Admiral, you are needed here, sir," Andrew said using a phrase that would relay the urgency to the Admiral and allowing Admiral Morris to know it wasn't something to be discussed on an open comm unit.

"On my way," the Admiral replied understanding that Andrew would not be wasting his time if it wasn't something urgent.

Barracks 2nd Platoon, Company A, 2nd Battalion, 1st Regiment
Naval Base Oscar, Kylar II
May 25, 2487, 0530 Local, 1210 UT

Max Finley was awoken when Sergeant Steve Wesley sounded reveille at 0530. Max was well settled into his platoon after just a few days. Although he wasn't as close to anyone as he was with Dave and Phil, he got along well with the other troopers of his platoon and was considered a good trooper. The routine was still military, but far less high paced and stressful than bootcamp. He found himself enjoying the life of a trooper as much as he had anticipated.

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