Chapter 1

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Disclaimer I don't own Glee

Kurt walked down the halls of McKinley on his way to his favorite class, Glee club. His dad was scared of letting him join because what if he had a meltdown or gets hurt because he doesn't really look out for traffic but Kurt begged him and finally he gave in because it's hard to explain to his physically fifteenth year old but mentally in between six and eight year old why he couldn't join.

Kurt saw his best friend Mercedes Jones. "Cedes!" Mercedes turned and saw Kurt coming towards her. "Hi Kurt but remember we have to use our indoor voices." "Why?" Mercedes sighed every other day Kurt would forget that he can't be so loud but every time she would explain.

"Mercedes LOOK ITS BLAINE!" Kurt said jumping up and down. "Kurt we need to calm down. Ok? We can go over to him." But Kurt was already running over to his boyfriend. "BLAINE! BLAINE MY BLAINE!" "Hi Kurt, how was your day?" "GOOD!" "Kurt can you do me a big favor?"

Kurt looked at Blaine waiting for what he wanted him to do. "Can we not yell? I'm right here you don't need to yell. Can we do that?" Blaine watched as Kurt signed sorry. "I'm sorry Blaine." "It's ok Kurt." Blaine and Mercedes watched as Kurt locked his arms around one of Blaine's arms and laid his head on his arm.

"You know he isn't going to let go of your arm until he has to." "I know but I don't care this is the way we are and I know he is scared to go farther than a kiss on the lips." Blaine looked over at Kurt who was holding on his arm and watching the others come in. "Hi Kurt."

Kurt looked over at who addressed him and saw Nick standing in front of him. "Hi Nick." Kurt then went back to resting his head on Blaine's arm. Kurt always had a hard time talking to people that weren't Blaine Mercedes or his dad.

Especially his dad because he has been with Kurt since he was a baby when his mom had noticed something was wrong with him and left them because he didn't start talking until he was three and that was with the help of his speech therapist.

Soon Mr. Shue arrived and saw that Kurt was leaning his head on Blaine's shoulder and Burt told him that he doesn't allow him to do that. "Kurt you know your dad doesn't like when you lay your head on other people's shoulders." Kurt's eyes widened and then he looked over at Blaine. "NO MY BLAINE!" Mr. Shue was at a loss what to do because when Kurt was loud he refused to let go or sometimes sing. "No Blaine Blaine."

Mr. Shue looked over at Kurt and saw that Blaine had moved seats. "BLAINE YOU ALWAYS SIT BY ME!" "Kurt it's ok Blaine just wants to sit by Sebastian." "NO HE SITS BY ME." Mercedes sighed because Kurt hates change and Blaine not sitting by him messes up his routine.

Blaine then lent down so he could talk to Kurt. "Kurt Sebastian is my friend too so why don't you let me sit with him?" "NO YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SIT BY ME." Kurt started repeating that and then the worst happened Rachel sat down next to him. "NO THAT'S BLAINE'S SEAT MY SEAT."

Kurt hit Rachel to see if she would say something or just sit saw that Rachel didn't do anything so he started to hit her over and over. "Kurt that is enough if you don't stop you are going to be suspended from glee club."

Kurt looked over at Mr. Shue and then went over and started hitting him. "Blaine, I need your help, we need to take Kurt home." "Mercedes I don't think it's a good idea for me to help you." "Why Blaine?" "It's my fault that he had a meltdown." "It's not really your fault because he hates chang I was lucky that he wanted to join the glee club but it was hard to convince Burt that it was a good idea"

But Finn and Mercedes reaused him that they would be there with him and then when Dalton caught fire Blaine and Kurt's cousin Jeff was the ones to finally convince him because he knew that Blaine and Jeff will never let anything happen to Kurt.

They had known Blaine since he and Kurt were toddlers because Blaine's mom was Kurt's speech therapist and was thanks to them that Kurt could even talk and Burt had gotten them a car when Cooper had turned sixteen as a thank you for helping him out and getting Kurt to talk. As for Jeff Kurt's mom and Jeff's dad were brother and sister and Jeff's dad was mad when his sister had left them just because Kurt couldn't talk at the time and his first word was actually Eff

"Jeff tell my Blaine to sit with me." Jeff looked over at his cousin and saw the tears coming down his cheeks and saw the bite marks on his arms and then looked over at Mr. Shue who had sratch marks. "Kurt how about we go home and see uncle Burt?" Jeff sent an apologetic look to Nick and left with Kurt and saw Blaine and Mercedes following him.

"What happened? Uncle Burt would be pissed if he saw Kurt's arms." Kurt was holding hands with Blaine and Jeff. "You know how Burt don't like Kurt resting his head on other people arms. right?" Blaine watched as Jeff nodded. "Well Kurt was resting his head on my arm and when Mr. Shue came in he told him that and then I went to sit beside Sebastian and he wasn't happy that I sat down beside him and then Rachel took my spot and as his routine was messed up he started to hit Rachel and then Mr. Shue told him to stop so he started to hit Mr. Shue instead." Jeff looked over at his cousin and he saw Kurt looking down at his feet.

By the time Kurt Blaine Jeff and Mercedes made it back to Kurt's house Kurt had two more meltdowns because he figured out that they were not staying at glee and then when they passed the park he wanted to feed the ducks it took twice as long to calm him down.

Blaine then noticed the time and knew that his morning medicine was wearing off because Kurt has glee then lunch and he takes his medicine after lunch. When they arrived at his house Burt and Carole were both standing there waiting for them. "Uncle Burt I'm so sorry we need to get Kurt out of the school." "It's fine Jeff I just got done talking with your mom and dad you have to stay here because your mom went with your dad on bisness." "I hate that they treat me like a baby. I don't need a babysitter." "You don't like staying with your uncle Burt?" Jeff could tell that he had hurt Burt's feelings. "It's not that uncle Burt I like you and Aunt Carole I'm just seventeen I don't need a babysitter."

Burt and Carole had gotten married when Finn and Jeff were eight and Kurt was six but they had been dating since Kurt was two. "Jeff it's like me mom and dad don't let me stay home I have to go to Uncle Marks." Jeff smiled at Kurt and then went into the guest bedroom. It was more or less his bedroom ever since he started dating Nick when they were fourteen. "Are you guys hungry? I can make you anything before I start my shift." Everybody started to follow Carole after everybody ate their lunch Burt had made sure Kurt took his medicine and then he went back to work while Kurt and the others started to watch T.V. even though it was only blue clues because Kurt wanted to watch Spongebob but it wasn't on yet. Once Kurt and the others got done watching T.V. Finn was home.

"Where's mom and Burt?" "Work." Kurt looked over at Finn and waved and then turned back to the T.V. "Kurt you know your dad doesn't like when you just sit down on the couch." "Don't worry Finn, he and Jeff just got back from the park." Kurt turned his attention to Blaine at hearing his favorite word. "Blaine ducks?" Blaine looked over at Kurt and all he could see was his pleading eyes. "Didn't Jeff take you to see the ducks?" Jeff came into the conversion. "No he said that he wanted to play on the swings. I had a hard time getting him off them after two hours and we kept getting these weird looks from the parents." "Blaine ducks." "Ok Kurt. Do any of you guys want to come?" "I'm good." Before Blaine could listen to anybody else Kurt was leading him to the door.

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