Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I don't own Glee

When Kurt and Blaine returned back to Kurt's house they saw an angry looking Burt. "It's been four hours since you left, where have you guys been?" "We took a walk after we went to the park."

"Oh ok Kurt you need to get ready for bed soon." "Why?" "You have a doctor's appointment at 8:00 and then you have speech at ten." "Blaine's mom?" "No. She retired." "Why?" "Because Blaine's mom is older than I or Carole." "But why?" "Some people just do and some people work until they die."

Kurt smiled and headed upstairs and pulled Blaine's hand. Blaine watched as Kurt signed something in sign language. "No Kurt I'm not telling him that we made out at the park."

Kurt response

"Why I want to" "We do not need to tell him." "Why" "One he is your father and two he will kill me if I do." Blaine watch as Kurt smirked and pulled out his phone

"Hello you reached Burt Hummel I can't get to my phone right now andI'll try to call you back." "At thetoneplease leave your message"


"Kurt why did you call your dad he is going to kill me when." Kurt had cut him off by kissing his lips.

"You talk a lot." "No I don't." "Yes you do." Blaine rolled his eyes at Kurt because it's pointless to argue with him in sign language because they both know the same amounts of signs and Kurt prefers to sign than talk. Just then Kurt's phone started to ring


"Kurt buddy care to explain your voice message that you left me"

"Yeah Blaine kissed kissed me like you kiss kiss Carole and Finny kiss kiss Rachel and Jeffie kiss kiss Nickie"

"Kurt what do you mean kiss kiss"

"Kiss Kiss"

Downstairs Burt sighed it was sometimes hard for him to get Kurt to explain what he means. Just then he saw Jeff coming down the stairs. "Hey Jeff Kurt's on the phone and he said that he and Blaine had kissed kissed do you know what he means?" Jeff thought about his talks with Kurt.

"I think Kurt and Blaine had made out at the park." Burt dropped the phone and went upstairs to Kurt's room. "Kurt Elijah Hummel did you make out in the park with Blaine?" Kurt ignored his dad at making out with Blaine but perked up at hearing his favorite thing. "Daddy park?" "No buddy it is too late." Blaine watched as Kurt and his dad argued in sign language. "Kurt how about after school me and you go to the park." Kurt turned his attention to Blaine and then hit him. "Kurt that wasn't very nice. Blaine I think it's time for you to leave and never come back."

"What why can't I come back?" "Kurt told over phone that you made out and I don't want to watch you hurt my baby boy and take advantage of him." "Burt I have known you since I was four years old I would never hurt Kurt I love him too much to hurt him he is my world." Kurt looked over at his dad and then at Blaine and stud next to Blaine.

"If I have to say good bye to Blaine you have to say goodbye to me I'm never saying goodbye to Blaine." "Kurt Elijah you never disobey me." Kurt rolled his eyes and took Blaine's hand and dragged him over to his bed. "Kurt I don't think it's a good idea your dad is already mad at me." "He is only mad because he thinks that you will take advantage of me whatever that word means but I think you won't because what you told me in the park." "Advantage means I make you do something wrong that you don't want to do and your right I would never hurt you and I would never let anything happen to you."

Kurt leaned in for a kiss and they kissed until Kurt's phone started to ring with a alarm for him to go to sleep. "Kurt I um I love you." "I love you too Blaine."

Authors note the black words with slants is the sign language without it because I don't know how to have any in hear but I do know some signs so with that I hoped you enjoyed the chapter

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