Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I don't own Glee

Kurt had just returned from speech and his doctor's appointment and was walking back to his class when he got pushed into a locker. "What are you going to do about it?" Kurt looked down at his feet because Karofsky had always pick on him.

"Karofsky leave him alone." Kurt looked up and saw puck coming towards them. "Oh come on Puck we were just trying to have fun isn't that right Hummel." Puck watched as Kurt started to sign something.

"No Karofsky I don't enjoy being pushed into the lockers and I can say whatever I want because you don't know what I'm saying." Puck watched as Kurt smerked after he finished signing. Puck's eyes widen when Kurt finger spelled bitch. "That's enough Kurt Burt doesn't like when you sign cuss." "I know that Puck that's why I only do it when nobody knew what I'm saying." "Kurt I know what you are saying because I have known you since you were two years old."

Kurt walked off when puck stopped talking and headed to his class

Later at lunch and Klaine is in the choir room

"How was speech and your doctor appointment?" "Good but I miss your mom." "I know Kurt but she wanted to retire." "Shut up and kiss kiss me." Blaine started to blush because Kurt told him to make out with him in the choir room. Just then Nick and Jeff walk into the choir room. "Oh hi guys I hope you don't mind if I practice my guitar in here?" Jeff was mostly asking Kurt because sometimes he loves to listen to Jeff play and sometimes he doesn't.

"Yeah I have my headphones in my backpack but can you take me to the park after school?" "No I'm going back home tonight remember ." Kurt look up at Jeff with hurt eyes because he forgot that Jeff was going with Nick to Jeff's house even though Jeff's parents don't like it when they do but Jeff hates that he and Nick have to be careful at Kurt's house because he or anybody else that lived there could walk in at any moment its mainly Kurt and Burt he is worried about because Carole knocks and Finn only ever enter his room if he is looking for Kurt or wants him to play his Xbox with him.

"Kurt I hate when you look at me like that." "I sad now." Jeff sighed because he knew that he or Blaine were the most to get guilt tricked into taking Kurt to the park because all Kurt needed to do is use his puppy eyes on Blaine and all Kurt need to say to Jeff is his name because he still felt pride to know that he was Kurt's first word.

"Please Jeff." Jeff look at Kurt and sighed and then looked at his phone. "Ok we have an hour until our next class so I can take you to the park now OK and that will make up for not going after school." He watched as Kurt sign ok and started to pull Nick Jeff and Blaine with him.

Once at the park

"Blaine come swing." "No Kurt you go on I'm going to talk with Neff." Kurt looked over at Nick and Jeff and saw that they were making out he then looked back at Blaine and pulled him over to the swings. Klaine and Neff had been at the park when somebody aprtch Kurt and Jeff "Kurt Jeff is that really you?"

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