Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I don't own Glee

"Elizabeth is that really you?" "Hey Burt." Burt was shocked to see his ex-wife but was brought out when he heard Kurt's voice. "Dad who is she?" Elizabeth looked shocked that Kurt didn't remember her, and Burt was shocked that he talked because when he was around new people, he usually prefers to use sign language.

"Dad please tell me Jeff won't answer me." Burt looked at Kurt's pleading eyes. "Kurt, I want you to listen very good. ok?" Kurt nodded "Do you know how that Carole met you when you were two years old?"

Kurt looked shocked but didn't say anything. "Before that time, it was just me and you but when you were tiny, I was married to Elizabeth, and she noticed that you didn't talk so she left just after your first birthday." "But why did you not tell me who my mom was? do she not love me? Does mommy not love me?"

Kurt looked seriously at Burt and all you could see was the hurt in his eyes. "I promise you Kurt Carole loves you very much and I don't know about your mom but always remember that you are loved." Blaine spoke up. "Your dad is right Kurt." "I love you, Blaine." "I love you too, Kurt."

Elizabeth was shocked to see Kurt's gay unless that was just a friend love. "So your name is Blaine?" "Yes, mam." "So what is your relationship with my son?" "I'm his boyfriend. we have been dating for two years, but we have known each other since we were three." "My son is gay?" "You would have known if you stook around."

"I did stick around." "No, you stuck around for the first 16 months of his life." "That's still in his life my parents didn't even raise me. Jordan did." "DON'T BRING MY DAD INTO YOUR ARGUMENT ABOUT KURT BECAUSE HE IS AN AWFULE DAD TO ME. Uncle Burt and Aunt Carole have been better to me than my own parents." 

A special lifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon