The Date 2

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Sophie's POV 

"Biana!!! NOOO!!!" I yell. I had told Biana about my date with Keefe and she completely freaked. She insisted on coming over to give me a makeover. " Biana YESSSS!!!" She said before she hung up. Ughh, time to be a Barbie doll.

Time skip to after Biana comes and gives Sophie a makeover because I'm lazy 

"There" Biana says "all done" I was wearing a magenta  fitted tunic with black leggings and black boots. I had a black cape and I pinned it with my Rwuen crest and, I also was wearing the necklace Keefe had given me for our 5 month anniversary. Thinking about it always made me feel giddy. Even though I didn't want to wear makeup, Biana had insisted so I had light eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick. Biana had also curled my hair and put it into a cute hairstyle. I was ready with 10 minutes to spare.

Keefe's POV 

I was wearing a casual outfit that included an ice blue tunic with black pants and boots. The outfit took about 5 minutes to put together but my hair... took a lot more. I was nervous, scratch that, VERY nervous  for what I was about to do. I was taking deep breaths right now, trying to calm my nerves. I didn't want to be a stuttering mess so.... ya.

Time skip "to the date that will change everything" (I'm naming it that)

Still Keefe's POV

I was waiting for Foster to- wait, should I even call her that? Eh, I don't want her to get more suspicious than she already is- show up. I had came a bit early to set up. The location was the forest we had our first date . I had laid a blanket on the floor and I also brought some mallowmelt that I Edaline made. She really was a good cook.

I snapped out of my thoughts when i heard a familiar, beautiful voice call my name. "Keefe?" "Over hear!" I called. There she was, the love of my life looking as beautiful as ever. I didn't realize I was staring until Foster said " What are you staring at?" In a teasing tone. " Oh, just the most beautiful woman ever " I replied. " Aw Keefe!" Sophie said while giggling and making her way over to me. She threw her arms around me and said "I love you Keefe". "I love you too Foster, I love you too"

Sophie's POV 

Today was just amazing. The date was amazing, the necklace Keefe gave me was amazing and the mallowmelt of course was amazing too. I noticed that it was starting to get late. "Keefe, it's getting late, I should probably head home." I said. "Okay but, there is one more place I wanted to show you" I could see his signature smirk. "Okaay", "Where to?" I asked. "You'll see" was all he said before he grabbed my hand and light leaped us away

"Keefe, why are we at-"

Authors Note 

Cliffhanger!!! Thank you guys for reading the chapter and also thanks you so, so much for 220 reads!!! ILY besties!!! Thanks again! Byeeeee

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