prologue: The Beginning

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Long ago before the Universe was even brought into existence, there was only Light and Darkness, two opposing forces that clashed endlessly without thought nor reason. The Light represented Law, Order, Justice, and Righteousness. Darkness on the other hand represented, Destruction, Anarchy, Chaos, and Ruin. These two powers clashed violently causing violent ripples all across the realm with no end in sight. It was not until their most violent clash that the two powers had unintentionally created an anomaly with their powers violently clashing against one another.

The two sides clashed and in doing so caused an implosion of the two powers which set off a chain event that both created and destroyed. Both Light and Darkness were reduced to nothing as their powers created and destroyed, shaped and molded the Universe in one giant megaton supernova. So powerful it was it ripped apart the fabric of reality and molded it back again a hundred times as the Universe and all life that came with it was sown.

But in the end of Light and Darkness, in their place was two separate entities, they had no bodies of their own just a floating mass of the combined powers of Light and Darkness, The Firstborn, the Aspect of their essence of having no birth nor end, and that entity was known by one name, Eternity. The younger of the two, formed by the birth of the Universe and the nothingess of its creators end was named, Infinity. These two entities were different from Light and Darkness for they shared sentient thought, the first beings to ever have a self thinking process in all of creation.

It was upon seeing the creation and devastation of that which was caused by their creators that Eternity had decided to live it's life as that which represented by Light and Darkness as a Balance. Therefore in modern days, it has been come to be known simply as, Death. The formless entity that ended all life. While Infinity seeking to choose a different route from its partner had chosen to seek out a place of quietness, a place of solitude. Thus, Infinity solemnly diverted from Eternity never imagining to see it again.

And so with the two powers leaving from what as once an endless struggle of two opposing powers, the resulting explosion created Life. Life blossomed all over the cosmos, but at the very center of the explosion was a single planet formed by the powers of both Light and Darkness. This planet was soon to be known as Earth and with it new life would begin to blossom by younger sentient beings that would soon call themselves Gods which would rule different directions of the Earth.

But as Infinity stayed in solitude and would come to birth itself from the nothingness of its existence, Death on the other hand in its formless shape and power would choose to ravage the world. Casting its shadow upon all those that were within its grasp. Humans, animals and the supposed Gods alike were unable to escape Death's reign over their very souls. Soon the very mention of the word Death would be the seed that would implant itself into the hearts of all sentient beings, they would come to fear Death as they should.

For Death was Eternal and nothing was beyond its cold, soul tearing grip...

But like its partner, Death or Eternity sought to have a material body, but none were so worthy to be the embodiment of its power, the reincarnation of its very existence. That is...until countless millenia had passed...

That Death...had finally found had found it's perfect reincarnation...

Hospital-Labor Room

''I am truly sorry about your loss, Mr and Mrs. Hyoudou, we did all we could is beyond us now.'' a Doctor spoke with his head hung low. He was a middle aged man with graying hair and facial hair with softened black eyes. His voice ran deep and felt like a thousand knifes stabbing into the two heartbroken were-to-be-parents. Mr. Hyoudou, felt tears drop from his eyes, but his arms circled his wife who was still sitting in her bed.

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