Chapter 4: Eternity and Infinity

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Neutral brown/red eyes stared into a pair of surprised gray orbs, analyzing the person before him. Hyoudou Issei, the Primordial Deity, Death, sat staring into the face of his counterpart. It was a female who had the appearance of a young girl with long silky black hair that fell like a smooth ebony silk curtain which reached her backside. She had a milky white complexion while her attire consisted of solely a gothic lolita dress, but she had nothing covering her feet. Standing before him was the equivalent of his own existence and if his memory served him correctly than this was the first time he's seen her for a very long time.

'Eons to be exact...' he corrected himself, if memory served accurately than he hadn't seen her for that long and it wasn't because of his choice mind you, it was hers. Staring back at him with a swirl of emotions ranging from surprise, anxiety, happiness, confusion and the slightest bit of nervousness. One may begin to wonder why she felt this way, but it could only be understood between herself and Issei. If anyone at the current moment who knew this girl saw her this way they would be astonished or would be questioning as to why she would be showing such emotion. After all, this in the eyes of the rest of creation was the enigmatic legendary Ophis, the Ouroboros Dragon and the Infinite Dragon God, a figure highly feared and revered at the same time.

But even if such people were there they wouldn't be acknowledged, this was a reunion long in wait for the both of them, a very anticipated one for Ophis who stared back at Issei with equal intensity. The wind blew through her long obsidian hair and for the longest of moments that seemed to drag on for light years the two kept their stare with one another. Each finding no fault in each others form, studying each others eyes, looking at each others soul with masterful ease. If anyone saw this scene they wouldn't have known that they were looking at the two Primordial deities that were as old as the dawn of time itself.

And than with the smallest of gestures Issei scoot to the side and welcomed her, ''Come...sit'' gesturing to the empty space beside him. She raised a delicate brow, but did not wait a moment longer and took a seat beside him. The two sat their looking out to the sky and watched the begin to rise further and further, a tense atmosphere was between the two. That is until Ophis broke the ice between the two. ''I see you've found yourself a material body?'' she asked only for Issei to frown before closing his eyes.

''No, this isn't just a physical body, unlike you I incarnated myself into a mortal.'' he said making her eyes widen in surprise before she turned her head to look at Issei. However understanding began to appear in her gray obs before she gave a nod. ''I see, that explains the difference, plus I can feel the another soul within you, is it...?'' she trailed on getting Issei to nod in response. ''Yes, after being incarnated he was woken up from within my soul, but for now he sleeps until I ask for him.'' he knew what she was asking him, about the other soul who dwells within him. The being that was placed inside him at birth, he was awakened at the same time he was killed by Kokabiel, but was put to sleep until such a time that Issei felt he would need to call for him.

''I see...'' she said and silence soon feel for the two, Issei saw that it was reaching morning so students for Kuoh Academy should be waking up soon and getting ready to leave. 'I'll be running a tad late though...' he sighed as he felt Ophis looking at him trying to discern him and he decided to confront her about this. ''So why are you here, Ophis? Figured you would never leave the dimensional gap.'' he said addressing her by the name she took upon herself long ago. One of his stray memories came to him and it was of Ophis speaking of that realm always having the silence and quiet she always wanted.

She averted her gaze and seemed to mumble something but he heard her perfectly well, ''I can no longer enjoy the dimensional gap like I used to. That fledgling Great Red got to powerful in your absence and has taken refuge inside and has been causing a...ruckus since then.'' it was a hesitant admittance on her part and his brow perked up at that. The memories came to him, was that what he was called now, Great Red? He was a very special dragon, for he was a very unique dragon who represented the Illusions of Dreams, but still he was but a very young dragon back than always being a stubborn hothead but to think he would become powerful enough to throw Infinity out of the home she's used since the dawn of creation?

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