Chapter 1: Eternal Awakening

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Hyoudou Issei, age 17, was as usual scowling, but it was much deeper than normal...

He was currently walking alongside Amano Yuuma, a friend he made at Kuoh Academy and the two were heading to said Academy for another day of school. He honestly wasn't sure though he could call Yuuma a friend, but she was a much better to be around than most other students at this Academy. Of course he'd seen her flinch and fidget nervously around him which he was used to, but the girl still stuck around so that deserved a point or two in his book.

Yuuma deserved that at the least since she's stuck with him for his time with Kuoh Academy so far, it had been a total of 1 month since he enrolled at the academic institution and so far life for him had been decent enough. He did his work like any other student, was asked by couple of clubs if they would join due to his skills in Gym. But he wasn't interested that much in sports so he declined for the most part, but he had been asked if knew some Kendo by the local female Kendo club and he had to say that he knew some.

In truth he knew more than that, since he was trained the art of Budō or the Martial Way he had been introduced to a number of weapon styles to train with. He was given a general training in a few, but the one he took to the most was of the Sojutsu arts with a combination of Bojutsu and Tonfa's. Since he was young he took to training with a unique combination of both styles and with his natural flexibility made him in the words of his former sensei 'A living storm'.

But Issei had chosen to not to divulge that information to anyone, he already had enough trouble dealing with girls oogling him so openly and the boys cursing him wherever he went. He'd rather not have anymore attention because it was just flat out irritating.

'Then again trouble just keeps finding me...and this time it's my fault...' the Hyoudou thought with a scowl as he felt everyone staring at him. It's why he was scowling so deep today. The reason everyone was staring at him was because of his newest addition to his little group that once just consisted of him and Yuuma. He looked to see it was that of a girl a bit younger than him, a first year at Kuoh Academy.

She was petite and about a head and a half shorter than himself, she had a healthy pale complexion. She had the most peculiar shade of white hair he'd ever seen which had two bangs falling to her shoulders several loose bangs hung over her forehead while in the back it was in a short bob cut. Her eyes were a hazel color which seemed to turn gold at times, but he figured that was just his imagination. She had a black cat-shaped hair clip on both sides of her hair. The girl wore the usual Kuoh academy female uniform only without the shoulder-cape.

The girl in question was Toujou Koneko, the girl walked alongside him rather close mind you and she was currently chewing on some pocky he'd bought her beforehand. The girl had a thing for sweets it seemed.

So yeah, as to the reason how he met this girl was something that made him remember just how much he was bullied when he was young and he'd reacted without hesitation. It was just the attention he got afterwards just shot up right through the roof which was incredibly annoying.

Flashback-1 Week Ago

Issei sighed for what felt like the fourth time today, it's been 2 weeks so far that he's been enrolled at Kuoh Academy and while the days had been normal he was still being hounded by the opposite sex. It seemed the girls at this Academy were far more driven by their primal urges and once a piece of eye candy could be found outside the mass group of perverts that were in the Academy basically made you the talk of the Academy and made you rise up to the ranks of the more popular of the student body.

But he couldn't honestly find it in himself to care what they thought of him they didn't know him nor did they know what he was like. They just labeled him and to be quite frank he just couldn't give a rats ass about it. Academy was just an academy, a place to learn not too gossip and cause an unnecessary amount of useless drama. Or at least that's how he saw it...maybe he was a bit old fashioned?

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