Chapter 3: No Longer Human

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'Will he be okay, Buchou?'' Koneko spoke, standing alongside Rias with their gazes looking down at an unconscious Issei. The two girls were standing inside Issei's bedroom at the current moment, having brought him back to his house. That is after Rias used a small spell on his parents that erased their memories of the last few hours including their son being so late and of the phenomenon not long ago. She and Koneko brought Issei back home and laid him to rest since after his whole ordeal with Kokabiel and whatever was inside him had proven to be very taxing.

Of that she knew had to be true, it had to be since he just died, was resurrected through a forbidden spell on her part, resurrected someone back to life and fended off Kokabiel enough to make him retreat. Yeah, that would tire out anyone, but, as she looked at Issei her eyes softened as Koneko kneeled at his bedside and just continued to gaze at him. Her small hand going up to his light brown hair that was once longer and jet black. Letting her fingers go through his hair, Koneko looked to Issei's unresponsive face and then to Rias.

''.....I'm sure he will be fine Koneko, most people when they die and are reincarnated usually go into a unconscious state. And while he wasn't reincarnated, he still just needs rest.'' though she said that, she was still worried just as much as Koneko was for Issei. Back then when he was about to continue fighting Kokabiel it seemed as if something was forcing him to stop, it was as if he was struggling against something. She was sure that he was talking to someone or something else, but had been forced down by something and knocked the Hyoudou out from inside.

Nevertheless, she wouldn't push for answers from Issei, it wasn't her right to do that. Everyone had their secrets and she didn't have the right to pry into his. Even though she was the one to bring him back, she wouldn't do him bad like that no matter how much she wanted to learn more about the increasing enigma that was Hyoudou Issei. Plus if his display prior to now was anything to go by she didn't want to get on his bad side, ever. Rias shivered at that, yes, she did not want to get on his bad list after witnessing all she had and felt from Issei. If there was one thing she was sure of it was that her kouhai was going to be a wild card in their world and personally she didn't want to be on the receiving end of those eyes.

''Mm~'' Rias frowned a tad when she heard the small grumble and she looked to see leaning against the wall, it was that Yuuma girl that usually accompanied Issei. She was fast asleep having recovered from being resurrected by Issei and was just recuperating from the experience. She had contemplated on leaving her there seeing as she had no reason to help the Fallen Angel. After all they were still enemies even with the Great War having ended long ago however she couldn't do that not after all that had happened. Not after what Issei did to bring her back from the grip of Hades, The Greek God who ruled over the realm of the dead. Such a feat in of itself was astronomically huge and yet daring all the same.

Yet another reason why Issei simply fascinated her to no end.

'Nevertheless, Issei-kun brought her back to life and I'm inclined to keep her alive. I do want to learn more about him and invoking his wrath would just be counter-productive.' thinking this Rias nodded to herself.

Unknown to her, Koneko who was currently running her hand through Issei's hair was staring at his sleeping face with her usual impassive expression. But in her hazel eyes was a glimmer of something else, affection, though she dare tell no one, she was look at her senpai with affection, a feeling she hadn't used since being with her big sister Kuroka. Hesitantly she moved her hand to his face and as she caressed his cheek the smallest of smiles grew. ' warm again' was her thought and she was glad too. Having Issei back from his changed state prior had eased her worries and she was very glad to have her senpai back. While it seemed to Rias and her peerage that Koneko had become fond of Issei, it was much more than just that.

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