1. are you in for the ride?

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I sat on the hood of the car, in the cornfield and I watched as the morning sun gradually rose on the horizon. It casted bright sunbeams in every direction and illuminated everything, making them seem more vibrant in colour.

As time slowly rolled by, the colours made by the rising sun became more vivid, and the sky more radiant. It drifted up higher and higher, almost completely passing the couple of mountains that were partially blocking it before, and now I could feel more of the warmth that seemed to be lighting up my face.

I loved this. Right here. Right now.

Smiling softly to myself, I lifted the cup of chocolaty-marshmallowy goodness, that I had been holding in my hand, up to my mouth and took only a quick sip as it was still quite hot. Even though it wasn't much, the little flavour that exploded in my mouth almost had me melting, on top of a car that, mind you, had been borrowed from my older brother and therefore, wasn't even mine. But I didn't mind. Being here, alone like this, just felt perfect.

I always used to think that if I could die anywhere, it would be here - amongst the high mountains, corn and fresh air. I don't know whether it was the fact that, nobody but me ever really came here, as it was like some sort of hidden safety spot I had for when I need peace of mind, as that is something I sure as heck don't at all get back at home with my free-spirited mother or my lunatic brother and best friend. Or whether it was the pure beauty of the exclusive sunrises that I go to experience, whilst I basked in the glory of the heat the sunlight provided and enjoyed the hot chocolates that I always bought from that little cafe on the way here.

But something drew me to this place every time I just needed space. From the very second I accidentally stumbled across here, after having tried alcohol for the very first time at some senior house party I wasn't even supposed to know about, and getting drunk off my head, those three years ago, I felt nothing but happiness when I was here all alone. It was the one place I could just let loose for a while, without having to constantly keep my crazy family in line, and still somehow manage to get by.

I sometimes even wish, I could stay here forever. Just, you know, me, the sun and the best and most delicious chocolate beverage made since ever.

However, then I remember Michael, Mom, Emily, Jamie and how stupidly deranged they could all individually be, how they could all make me laugh on a down day, how they were all around just happy, joyful people, and then suddenly, the wish to have a calm, peaceful life is forgotten about. Because really, I have learnt from enough experience that trying to strive to have a life that isn't yours, is a waste of time.

So as much as I love this place to think and just be, there in that colourful studio apartment, with the thousands pieces of art equipment, paintings and sculptures scattered everywhere, is where I belong. A quiet life maybe be nice, it maybe be what most people were looking for, but it sure as heck wasn't what I wanted. I mean, everybody needed their own me-time, and that included me, but I also needed my daily dose of crazy, unforgettable experiences that I could look back at, years down the road, and laugh at.

Maybe it was because it was because I was a photographer and I liked making memories. Or maybe it was because this type of lifestyle was what suited me better. Maybe it was both. I don't know.

But thing I did know was that, I wouldn't want my life any other way.

Grinning, I went to drink my hot chocolate, only to realise it was finished. Wow, I must have been thinking really deeply about all this, because apparently, I just sub-consciously drank a medium sized beverage and had emptied the whole cup in about, five minutes. Over-thinking is not something I enjoyed doing frequently or at all in fact, but somehow whenever I had time like this to myself, I managed to work myself straight into thinking-overdrive within a matter of minutes. It was a habit I was still seriously trying to lose. Though so far, it's been all to no avail.

I sighed.

Well, there was nothing to drink anymore, and judging by looking at the position of the sun, the sunrise was almost complete. I guess I better got my ass off of the hood of this car and onto that driver seat, because it is about time to return to the crazy reality of my life.

Okay, ladies and gentleman, girls and boys, I am Aurelia Benson, and this insane ride is my life. There will be guaranteed ups and downs, sometimes even straightforward roads, and there may be short stops on the way, much like this one, but one thing is for sure, once you're on, there's no backing out.

Now sit back, fasten your seat belts, and enjoy the ride.

I know I do.


Alright guys, now I know, I know, you (whoever you may be, reading this) are probably wondering why I swapped this chapter with the original first one? Well, I had read through my first chapter and realised, it was just too energetic or to be the kind of chapter I was looking for to start this book with, so my apologies for my mistake there!

And that reminds me, I never really got to thank you all for bearing with me for soo long, so THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

I also would like to thank all you beautiful, beautiful followers for well, following. And would especially like to thank Zandria_Love for being so supportive all the time!!

And anyway, thank you again, so much for reading this chapter. Even though it is, in a way, still the same chapter just with different content. I appreciate that guys that enjoy my story and once again would really appreciate helpful comments and votes if you want.

Thanks AGAIN!!

-toxicskittlesx A.K.A. June xx

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