2. at the brink of emily.

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As stealthily as I could, I crawled up behind the couch, with my camera safely dangling from its strap around my neck. Stopping when I reached the back of it, I took a moment to listen to their steady breathing, to check that they were still asleep. Then when I was sure, I slowly pushed myself off the ground.

The adorable sight that met my eyes almost had me falling back down. Because there on the couch was Michael, and curled up in his arms was none other than Emily. And now, you might think it’s weird, calling your brother and best friend cute whilst they were sleeping, but if you must know, up until yesterday, they wouldn't even acknowledge each other due to some childish argument they had. So seeing that they finally made up was a relief, because honestly, even though it was very rare, when these to two fought, it is like they became complete maniacs, with whatever furniture happened to be laying nearby being used as a weapon by one, and incredibly provoking language used by the other.

Truth be told, they were usually like that most of the time anyway, apart from when they were asleep, obviously, which is why I was seizing this opportunity to capture the one moment when they weren't trying to rip each other to shreds.

Smiling to myself, I grabbed the camera hanging from around my neck and turned it on before lifting it up to my face. I adjusted the lens, making sure it was focused sharply on the pair and then, I pressed the button to take the picture. The next thing I knew, the flash went off and a startled Emily, flew out of Michael's arms and onto the floor with a loud thump.

Well, that wasn't supposed to happen.

"Huh.. Rea?"


I swiftly ducked back down behind the chair. As I crouched down there I silently prayed that when Emily found me there, she would at least spare my camera, because right now I was pretty damn sure that I wasn't going to get out of here alive. I mean, the fact that I was in my brother’s house was already a total no-go. He had told me to leave for home yesterday, because he wanted to talk to Emily in private, but being the stupid, lazy idiot I was, I just left the house and waited out until they fell asleep so I could come back and crash here instead.

And then, there was the whole 'waking-you-up-by-camera-flash-light-because-I-thought-you-looked-so-cute-and-for-once-weren't-clawing-eachothers'-eyes-out' thing.

Yeah, I sure as heck wasn't going to get out of this one very easily.

"Hey, was that Rea? Where do you think she went?" Emily's angry voice asked.


For those of you who still can’t smell the dilemma I’m in here, let me break it down for you. To Em, being angry was the next best thing to mad. And well, quite frankly the end of me.

Seriously, an irritated Em was, tolerable. However, come across a mad Em; just know someone was going to die. So, then that meant an angry Em was somewhere in the middle and therefore couldn't be that bad right? Well wrong. I've literally known her from since we were both in our mothers' wombs. And when you spend a lot of time together with someone you learn little yet vital facts about them over time. For example, Em tends to be very aggressive in the morning, because she isn't exactly what you could call a morning person. Now throw in the fact that she was woken up by being caught by surprise, by a flash, which came from my camera. Oh, and let’s not forget that it’s her time of month. Yeah, all these 'ingredients' weren't exactly a recipe for anything that doesn't result in me being beaten fifty shades of purple.

Let’s just hope, for my sake, that she doesn't check behind the couch.

"If you can’t see her, she probably wasn't here. But if it reassures you, why don't you check behind the couch or something?" Michael's muffled voice came, from obviously having his face stuck up some pillow. How I wish he could just choke on some feathers right now...

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