6. sometimes, just let your mind run away.

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It’s been two weeks since I first 'properly' introduced myself to Blaze and to be quite truthful, I didn't think we were any closer to becoming friends than we were on that interesting morning when I walked into him. If I were to put a title to our relationship status, I would say we were halfway to becoming strong acquaintances, more than anything. And it’s not like I didn't try to open him up. 

On the contrary, actually - I tried too hard. All my many attempts to get to know Blaze had only earned themselves two syllable answers, three tops, and that same never-changing face of stoic indifference. I felt like I was annoying the heck out of him. Especially lately as his behaviour had also been a little too up and down for me not to notice.

Like some days, he would be trying his best to hold up some kind of small talk with me at lunch (which I now had to spend with him, instead of Emily and Jamie) and between lessons, but other days he would be off in that handsome head of his, only grunting when he deemed appropriate. And sometimes, he would even take it as far as not talking to me and deliberately avoiding me, or he just would not show up to school at all. So it was only natural for me to feel - judging by his odd pattern of behaviour and all - that the friendship-like feelings were not being reciprocated. 

I was now forever thinking I irritated him with my persistent self - which for all I knew, I could have been doing - to the point where he felt the need to go all out of his way to ignore me and not come to school. 

It was either that, or he was leading some double life he didn't want anyone knowing about. And as the latter was incredibly far-fetched and stupid, the first option was what I had been going with these last couple of days. 

"Huh," I muttered to myself, "And they say my 'good personality' was my best feature." I sure as heck hope that was not true. I mean, Blaze couldn't stand it; I honestly didn't know how others could. Not that I really interacted with many 'others' outside school anyway. It used to be just Emily, Jamie, Michael, my mom and occasionally Arianna.

Shrugging, I just shook myself out of my little pitiful reverie. I had to concentrate on taking this picture - it was what I had come out for after all - and if I didn't hurry, the beautiful picture would go to waste. 

Pushing my so-called dilemma to the back of my mind, I let myself creep up to the adorable sight with a clear mind. Despite the still lingering dark clouds, a smile etched itself on my face as I moved even closer.

Amidst the long, green grass, laid a stunning fox, and from the way it was wrapped around what I was assuming was its baby, I could tell it was a female. Only a mother would be so protective of its offspring.

Okay, so perhaps some people don’t find this as beautiful as I did, but that is because they don’t understand beauty. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they all say, but let’s be honest, not everybody has the same definition of beauty. Most think it’s when a person’s outer appearance is flawlessly perfect, others when a person’s personality is golden. But to me, it’s that, and much more, because I see beauty where many other fail to do so. I capture the amazing moments some people just don’t want to or aren't able to see. It’s not because I have to, but because I want to. I want to see it all and I want o share it with others.

And I had, every since my fifth birthday, when I got my first real camera. I had been taking pictures of all the fascinating and incredible things that ever happened to cross my path – and I enjoyed it more than anything in this world. Given, this, amongst others, was the reason my father had decided the go-with-the-flow life wasn’t for him, it had only managed to stop my photography for a little while. Before long I was off again, clicking away at everything from rare flowers and birds, to beautiful landscapes and so much more.

As much as I liked to think I had seen it all, deep down I knew there were so many things still on this earth all with equal – or more so – beauty that I had yet to discover. Sometimes, it even felt like my life’s mission, to show everybody that this planet had so many wonderful creations that had the right to live out their days on here, whatever they were.

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