5. maybe it won't be all that bad.

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"I can't do it."

Emily's brows furrowed together as she frowned. "Why are you even stressing this Aurelia? It’s not like he’s going to beat you fifty shades of black and blue, and then leave you in the janitors to bleed to death or anything."

Detailed much? Right. "You don't know that."

She straightened out her facial expression and relaxed against her closed locker. "True. But I do know that Arthur will do that instead, if you don't go - and you know it just as well as I do."

I heaved a sigh in defeat, and heavily folded my arms across my chest.

Fair point made. I guess after almost causing Arthur to get kicked out of the student body, I really had no choice in this. Mainly because I practically had dug my own hole on this one when I asked how I could make it up to him. And knowing that he was able to break a level of crazy, that would have me going to a professional psychiatrist for the rest of my life, hadn't exactly worked any wonders on my defiance skills either. Just because I might not been all too anxious to get buddy-buddy with Blaze (that's Mr. Pit-less Ocean Blue's real name, as I discovered after pretty much everyone else) just yet, didn't mean I wanted to be scarred for the rest of my life. 

Besides, when you put aside all the other matters, I still had to make it up to Arthur and if he thought only by doing this could I accomplish that then it had to be done.

"Okay, okay, I'm going already." Slowly, I turned and began began dragging my feet along behind me.

"Good luck!" I heard Emily call after my reluctantly retreating form, "I'll see you at lunch, same place as usual!"

Giving only a feeble, half-hearted nod in acknowledgement I kept walking towards the Science department, where I was supposed to be meeting with Blaze, so we could head to our next lesson together. Arthur had forced me to memorise this guy's timetable even better than my own, as I would be spending a lot of time with him, picking him up between lessons, walking to lesson with him, taking him to lunch, and so on. I know I always said I wanted to get to know Blaze, but not like this! 

This was just...ridiculous. 

How did I know Blaze still wasn't fuming about me failing to guide him around school, leaving him roaming around helplessly for an entire week? As far as I knew, he could despise my ignorant ass because, I didn't bother to listen in during that meeting last week, as I was distracted brushing away my guy friend's insecurities. Personally, I sincerely hoped he wasn't mad; I was planning to thoroughly apologise to him and maybe after, when I was so scared, form some sort of 'friendship' with him. I mean, yeah, he may be broody, withdrawn and mysterious and yes, maybe he hated my guts for neglecting him. But regardless of all that, he still intrigued me as much as, if not more than, before. Ever since we locked gazes in that empty hallway, I had been left with some questions.

What would it be like to be his friend? What would it be like to be able to make him smile or laugh? What would if be like to find out every little secret about him? To be able to see his magnificent eyes every day?

I was getting the chance to start something that could potentially get us to that stage! So why on earth was so terrified, only god knew. Given I hadn't expected to become acquainted with him under such circumstances,what difference did it make? Shouldn't I be seizing up this opportunity to get to know him?

Indecisive on whether to run and hide in the girls' bathroom or to man up and go face Blaze, I subconsciously shuffled down the hall. Closer and closer to his AP Chemistry classroom door. To say I wasn't nervous would have been a complete utter lie. I was beginning to sweat up a storm out of awkward places, my knees were weak as fuck, my hands were shaking like crazy, and I didn't even know why. Well, I did know why, I just didn't see why I was making this such a big deal.

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