3. holy mother of fathomless ocean blues.

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The warm Monday morning air was filled with the constant chatter of many teenagers who surrounded me, as I manoeuvred my way through the busy hallways of Mason High.

Sensing from the high level of excitement from the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior girls, I knew something was happening. However, I had no time to stick around and find out. I was expected at the weekly school council meeting. Lame, yes, but very necessary. If I missed this meeting my place as school paper photographer would be given away and I would get kicked off the welcoming committee. I quite liked these positions, as I had worked hard for since freshman year and wanted to keep them, so the gossip hour was a big no-go.

Looking around, I noticed that most of the students were now slowly filing away to their designated classes anyway, meaning that the bell was going to ring soon. I quickened my steps, wanting to get to the conference room fast. I knew how Arthur could get when someone tried to come in after the bell went and I didn't want, or need, a reminder of how ugly things could get. 

But apparently, fate thought it would be funny to make pretty much every single student's lesson in the opposite direction to which I was heading in. It was like I was freaking swimming against the biggest kick-ass tide, ever. And I'm not even exaggerating, because let me tell you, at a height of only 5'7, it was near damn impossible. But it had to be done. It was either that or I could guarantee a week long of Arthur climbing down my throat. Thanks, but no thanks.

After pushing and shoving almost the entire school population out of my way, I finally broke free from the claustrophobic cluster of bodies. I ran the rest of the way up the stairs and down to the end of the hallway, where the conference room door was. I slipped in through the door, just when the annoyingly shrill sound of the first bell rang. As quietly as I could, I sat in the nearest empty chair, which coincidentally (probably not) was next to Jamie, a great and incredibly smart friend of mine.

"Hey there," He greeted, giving me a tiny wave, "I knew you were going to be late so I saved you a seat near the door, for when you would try to be unnoticeable and sneak in." Yep, definitely not coincidental.

"Thanks." I nodded, smiling a grateful smile in his direction before facing the front where the boy, who could break an extreme - and to all normal humans, unattainable - level of crazy, was standing. He was wearing his usual laid back attire, which consisted of a t-shirt of his favourite rock band, and skinny jeans. Next to him, was his ‘assistant’ who was, ironically, seemed to be the exact opposite of him with his neat, chequered sweater and shirt underneath, pleated khaki shorts, ankle socks, sandals and all.

"Alright guys, thanks for all coming today. We have some important things to discuss, and I’m going to begin with...”

I felt Jamie give me a light, almost reluctant, nudge on my right arm. Turning my head only an inch, so my ear was closer to his mouth, and yet, it seemed like I was still listening to whatever it was Arthur was going to be ranting off about for about the next period. “What’s up?”

“Have you seen Arianna lately?” Jamie asked, nervously fidgeting with the buttons on his jumper. I cocked my eyebrow at his question.

“No, I haven’t seen her since last Friday actually. Why?” I sent the boy next to me a confused glance, when he shook his head and frowned, deeply.

Sighing, Jamie slumped down in his chair. He mumbled some incoherent words, and then averted his gaze back to the front, in what I thought was an attempt to tell me that he didn’t want to talk about it. But he should know me better, because once I’m curious about anything, I will not stop until I find out what I want. And this case was no different. I was going to squeeze the words out of this boy, right in the middle of a meeting, if I have to.

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