4. not such a lucky save after all.

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The sun was heavily beating down on us all as if it were trying to fry us, resulting in many of the students knowing nothing else to do but, splash each other with water from wherever it is they could find some fast enough. The birds were chirping away happily among themselves. And the girl I called best friend was prattling on about random things as we ate on the field, using bags, sweatshirts and books to sit on.

But I couldn't concentrate on any of that. Because from where I was, I could perfectly see, that one person who could capture my attention for eternity with just one look.

The guy with the amazing, yet void, aquamarine eyes.

There he was inside the cafeteria all by himself, like he had been for the past week. He never went up to get anything to eat, he never talked to anybody, he just sat there, staring at the screen of his phone like he was expecting something to happen.

He looked as clean and handsome as he always did, with his perfectly golden hair, designer clothes, flawlessly toned body and his striking blue eyes. Since he never had any company with him (in other words, a girlfriend), all the girls seemed to be loving the fact that they were free to eye rape him as openly and frequently as they wished - not that they would have cared if he had pregnant wife with six children, sitting on his lap anyway. But I wasn't one of those girls.

Given, yeah, I definitely couldn't overlook the fact that he was extremely good-looking, because well, he was. However, just because I admitted to his amazing looks (not that there was a way I would even think of denying them), doesn't make me one of those hormonal teenage girls. I was interested in him as a whole. Not only his appearance.

I don't know whether it was his withdrawn character, his secretive, dangerous aura, or his clouded, emotionless eyes - but something just seemed to draw me to him, leaving me wanting to find out more about this guy.

However from what I've heard (and seen for myself; I'm not someone who's big on listening to rumours), if you were to try talk to him, like many of the girls have been doing, this mystery guy, will pretend that you're a brick wall. Or that you're not there all together. But despite knowing that if I tried to do so as well I would get blanked by him, I couldn't stop myself from constantly trying to look for ways to be able to talk, or interact with him in a way that wasn't bordering moderately insane.

Not that I would actually execute any of the ideas that I've come up with so far. I still feel funny from that time our eyes met after I walked into him. The way he looked at me made me feel like he was looking right through me, like he was stripping down my walls and staring into my soul - as cheesy as it sounds. It was, though strangely nice, a very new feeling, as I had never really come in close proximity with boys (Michael and Jamie don't count, neither does Arthur as I am pretty sure he wasn't even human), because I never really felt or had the need to.

So I think for now I will make do with watching him from a far, maybe even taking some pictures of him and putting them on my blog like I have pretty much been doing ever since our brief encounter, but the bit where I have to go over and talk to him could wait. It didn't mean I would stop planning on how to approach him, or that I would just forever stay in the shadows like some crazy stalker. It simply meant that, I would wait for a time when I had gathered my all-over-the-place thoughts, and pulled them together, so I wouldn't act like a blubbering fool in front of the poor guy.

"Rae, were you even listening to anything I just said?!" Came the annoyingly shrill voice opposite me, causing me loose my trail of thought. The dumbfounded look on my face answered Emily's question better than any words could have done; I could tell from the irritated look she was casting my way. "What is wrong with you? You aren't listening to me anymore. I feel like I might as well be talking to a wooden chair and Jamie!"

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