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"Akari..!" I looked up at Edward, feeling lost for a moment.

"I'm sorry... Edward..." I whispered, tears rolling down my cheeks. I grabbed onto the arm of his silky red coat and held on tight. Why was I apologizing? Maybe because I had nothing else to say.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I promise you're fine. You're going to be okay." He smiled down at me, his eyes gleaming like the golden rays of sunlight streaming in through the curtains and onto the wood floor beneath us. His smile comforted me, made me feel important and loved. Seeing his smile was the only thing that had ever made me happy. After taking in this beautiful sight for a moment, I smiled even bigger than him. His eyes widened with surprise, but soon turned back into their happy, bright state. "You smiled, Akari." The smile on my face was replaced by a blushing nervous wreck. "No, no! Please don't stop-" Edward paused for a moment and his face turned red. "Y-you're cute... when you smile." He looked me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"Please stop apologizing."

"Gwwwaa I'm sorry..!" I became a bit flustered.

"You did it again!"

"I'm sorry!" He laughed at my confusion and put his hand on my head.

"It's okay."

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