Chapter 10

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The courtiers treat her like a lunatic, as if at any moment she might simply fall down again and not wake up. She feels their gaze as she walks to the stables, perhaps it's her demure dress that causes their looks? Instead of her usual brightly colored outfit made of Italian silk, she wore a plain dark grey woolen one. If her skin weren't so pale she might have passed as human, but her skin was pale and everyone simply stared.

It had been early evening when she'd woken up. Most of the courts were in the Great hall eating she supposed, so the likelihood of the Queen coming to see her was a low one. She'd dismissed Jubert, allowing him to return to the feast. Why he'd even been there in the first place she didn't know, but he did and it was nice not to wake up alone...

She sighed as she went down a flight of stairs. Why had she been determined to see Valentin first when she had more pressing matters with Charles to attend to. There was a reason, her dead heart wanted Valentin not Charles. In what capacity she didn't know, but seeing him naked again, it had stirred something inside of her. That feeling of longing which she had only just got over.

Another set of stairs, but at the bottom was Lady Ellen lovingly entwined with Lord Rodger Hubot, the Earl who was supposed to have met her at Dover. Charles had pointed him out when she arrived. Hortense wondered if Lady Ellen knew her husband was having an affair, and if she did, would she be as willing to show such public displays of affection.

Lady Ellen was one of the Queen's ladies, she was second in command and from what Hortense had heard, she enjoyed looking down her ugly nose at everyone.

Nevertheless she passed them, being careful not touch any waving limbs. She could still hear their sucking noises when she turned a corner. The squeals and shouts of pleasure became more frequent the further she walked away. She shuddered at the thought.

Finally though after a two minute walk she was out in the courtyard, one step closer to Valentin she thought brightly.

The stable was located next to the courtyards gate. It was a large tall wooden building that smelt a lot like dung. She covered her nose when entering, the smell really was horrific. It was so strong that it stung her super sensitive vampire nose, causing her to retch. Inside it was dark, lit only by precariously placed candles on shaking stall doors. The stable was also awfully noisy, horses neighed loudly shouting for freedom in their stalls. Someone was obviously not doing their job right Hortense thought as she looked around. But then again there wasn't any one here.

"Hello?" She called. If Valentin was here, he'd be able to hear her over the racket the horses were making.

And sure enough there was reply, "Hortense my child," it was Valentin but only in voice. It appeared he had taken the form of a stout young man with poor skin. His nose was flattened and wide, as was his mouth. No longer was he thin and muscular, but chubby and wobbly. He was also short, very short so that he only came up to her shoulder.

"What happened?" She gasped in surprise.

"I felt like a new look," he smiled, showing off brown teeth. "Do you like it?" He asked turning around on the spot, so Hortense could see the rest.

"No, not really," she replied with a half-smile.

"You came here about the dream I suppose?" He took her hand and led her to the back of the stable, where it was less noisy but still smelly. Valentin took a seat on a rickety stool that looked like it might collapse under his weight. It did give a frightening crack when he did sit on it. Hortense took a seat on a sturdier chair opposite. "i don't intend to look like this for much longer."

"And how did you come to look like this in the first place?"

"A favor from a friend," he smiled. "Not a very favorable disguise I know, but... It serves its purpose."

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