Chapter 14

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The Queens' happiness lasted until early evening.

Hortense noted immediately her absence at the feast. Charles' child sat in her place with a broad grin, the King's arm around her slender shoulders as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear.

"Disgusting," Ann said on following her gaze, "the poor Queen. Charles' told her point blank that she was not pregnant, did you know?" She asked as they took a seat as far away from the sickening couple as possible.

"Yes," she admitted, feeling a tad ashamed. If she had informed her, the blow might not have been so hard to take.

"Oh," Ann replied in surprise, apparently she thought Charles to be the only one with that ability. 

Hortense felt someone staring at her, she looked up to find a small skinny fine featured man looking at them from across the room. He wore fine gold embroidered clothes and a sneery expression.

"Who is that fool staring at us," she said quickly changing the subject, Ann face fell even more when she saw him.

"My intended," she muttered sadly reaching for the wine jug.

"Surely not," Hortense replied narrowing her eyes at the man. "You'd snap him like a twig, however will he father your children."

"Good evening ladies," came a voice behind them, killing the sad atmosphere that had suddenly arisen. 

Hortense turned around to find the Venetian standing behind her. He wore a fine emerald green outfit, with golden flowers embroidered on his chest and left leg, along with a sharp green hat with a huge black feather. 

"Hello," he smiled at Ann, flashing his pearly whites, "I don't think we've been introduced?"

"Yes," Ann grinned back furrowing her brow at him, "yesterday. We met yesterday."

"Oh," the Venetian frowned, curling his thin lip as he took a seat beside Hortense, "I'm sorry I don-"

"I'm joking," Ann choked, taking a deep gulp from a nearby goblet before spitting it back in. "Eugh! What is this?" She handed the goblet to Hortense, as the Venetian let out a satisfied grin.

A look inside the goblet told Hortense the contents was blood. It was dark and red like wine which filled others on the table, but it was too thick. She took a sip and felt hunger pang her insides, despite it being luke warm and old. It reminded her that she hadn't eaten in days, the longest she'd even been... The thought hadn't even crossed her mind despite being surrounded by blood drinking vampires...

"I think you should leave," he said to Ann, suddenly taking Hortense's hand and staring at it intently, examining every inch. He looked up when he saw Ann was still present with an angry expression on her face. "Now?" 

"Why are you being so rude?" Hortense snapped, taking her hand from him.

Was there something wrong with her? If there was what was wrong with her? Or was this a natural occurrence in vampires, that when they reached a certain age the need to eat just disappeared. But something in the Venetian's eye said it was not normal.

"Your going to rip her throat out in a minute, perhaps everyone else in this room too," he whispered in her ear, quietly, so only she could hear. "Leave," he snarled at Ann.

Ann glanced at Hortense who quietly nodded at her, before gracefully rising from her chair and disappearing. 

"How long since you've eaten?" He asked as soon as Ann was out of earshot.

"When-I-came-over in the boat,... A very fa-fat-sailor," she stuttered meekly as her hunger grew a little stronger with every second that passed. The well dressed courtesans were slowly losing their faces; their noses, their mouths then finally their eyes. As they slowly became faceless blood banks losing all traces of their humanity. It was an ability that let vampires feed on mortals without feeling guilt. Also caught at the right time, it gave warning to the 'beast', as some vampires referred to it. The inner creature that made a vampire hunger for blood, if it was not kept at bay, well... It was not good thinking about, everyone would be in danger.

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