Chapter 19

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Despite the urgency, Hortense found herself walking to her Chambers. There were too many thoughts crashing through her head as she tried to determine the next course of action to run.

There were several actions to take she thought as she came to her corridor. Simply leave and go to Norway to start the search for the white wolf; second, to follow the ogres lead to the former King or trap; lastly, just leave and let everything just happen. She sighed as she opened her door to find Ann sitting on her bed.

"Is the Queen going to be okay?" Ann said immediately raising from the bed.

"Yes,... No no I'm not really sure to be honest," she smiled meakly holding the door open. "Thank you for coming Ann but I have to leave tonight."

"For the Queen?" Ann guessed moving to outside the door.

"Of course."

"Can you take me with you? I might be married by the time you get back," Ann begged taking her hand in hers.

"I'd love nothing more my friend but it'll be too dangerous, maybe even for me."

Hortense turned to see the greying Lord Chamberlain approaching holding a stack of papers.

"I'm sorry to interrupt ladies but I have the Kings Seal for you Lady Hortense," he huffed on reaching them.

"I'll bid you adieu," Ann said giving her hand a affectionate squeeze before slowly leaving them.

"Where will I catch my ship from,cshe asked watching Ann disappear down the corridor.

"Here in the city," he said passing her the seal; "there's a boat waiting for you from the Thames."

"Your very organised considering the small time frame," she said as she quickly packed a small bag in her room. Only a few dresses and Valentins parchment. Just as she packed the parchment she noticed a familiar large spider crawl in as well.

"Well your not the only with gifts," the chamberlain smiled smugly; "I wish you luck on your journey my lady." He said giving her a sweeping bow before departing as well.

"You want to come as well?" She asked the ogre as soon as the Chamberlain with no longer within earshot.

"I thought you might have forgotten about me," said the ogre in a quiet voice from the bag.

"I hadn't unfortunately for you, but now I am at a loss on what to do with you. There is no one I trust enough except maybe the Venetian-"

"-No!" Screamed the ogre from the bag; "please not her she's a monster!"

"She? Of whom do you speak ogre?"

"The Venetian, she is a horrible monster and she is there as well."

"You know there are five who call themselves 'the Venetian, '" she said as the spider crawled from the bag and onto her hand. "May I show you him? If not I fear your master will kill your family by the time I am able to investigate."

"Yes you may," the ogre whispered as he became smaller and smaller turning into a flea on her arm.

Hortense set off straight away, at vamperic speed she zoomed around the castle like a annoying fly until she found him in a window seat feeding.

"Venetian," she said as he pulled away  from the young maid, blood dribbling down his chin. "I have a favour to ask."

"Go my sweet," he said giving her hand a suave kiss. "What kind of favour?"

"I need you to investigate something for me," she asked as the ogre ran into the palm of her hand.

"What kind of something?" He asked taking a step closer to her so their faces were only a small space away. She could smell the blood drying on his chin, causing her stomach to flip.

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