Chapter 18

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Edward could feel the darkness in his bones. He wondered whether he would ever see the sun again, feel its warmth on his skin or even just its light. Would it burn him like some vampires or would he be immune as though human.

Suddenly there came a shriek from above. Elizabeth he thought glumly shuffling into the farthest corner of his cage. She had become quite vengeful since being turned. He could still taste the delightful delicacy in his mouth that had been her arm.

She was at his cage by the time the door above slammed shut.

"Your son is a monster," she screamed at him, her beautiful face contorted in rage as she shook the bars on his cage.

Edward grew worried, had his son been turned as well?

"He's ousted me from court like dirt," she spat her voice getting louder and louder.

"You are but a peasant," he said bravely puffing out his chest as she stared at him through the bars with her dead eyes. "And he is a King, what did you expect?"

Elizabeth slung her head back and roared. She pulled off the door to his cage and simply threw it away into the darkness. He saw her hands were marked bloody from contact with the bars.

"I'm sorry-sorry - I'm sorry," he begged over and over as she pulled out by his ankles.

"You were a King once," she snarled placing her foot on his face; "and look at you now. A beggar."

"Leave the beggar King alone little one," came a voice from the darkness, he had only heard it once before and that was here.

Elizabeth removed her foot from his face, disappointment hung on her face as she disappeared back upstairs.

"Thank you," Edward called into the darkness, crawling back into his open cage.

"Don't thank me yet beggar King. We need you whole for the future."

Edward sighed and laid his head against the back wall of his cage. He closed his eyes and tried to dream.

At first he imagined he was in his Chambers. The bed was large, comfy and oozed finery towering over the more delicate furnishings chosen by Isabella. He sighed at the thought of his wife. Was she alive? Was Mortimer?

His thoughts then turned to Edward, he imagined him sitting at his desk. A fine young handsome man with dark hair and clever eyes, wondering how to save his Kingdom from the mess his father had left.

Edward buried his head in shame until another vision came into his head, although this one was not shaped by him.

The room was the Queen Chambers of Windsor Castle, he recognised it from the few times he'd actually visited Isabella to consummate their marriage. It was different now with light  blues and greens everywhere instead of dingy reds. A pale woman lay on the four poster bed, her eyes opening slowly to another woman beside her.

This must be the Queen he thought to himself as he looked around the scene  for his son.

He tried to walk but found he had no feet or any other body parts for that matter. His body was completely non exisistent.

With great effort he tried to move to the door. He lent forward and found himself gliding in that direction. Slowly he stuck his would be hand out but went headfirst through the door instead.

Silently he went up the corridor, going through a throng of courtiers making him wonder what had happened. He stopped outside the council chamber.

Effortlessly he entered the silently packed chamber. He did not recognise many of the men calmy standing around the room. A few council members sat on the long oak table he'd once chaired. On looking around the room he summized they must be waiting for his son as the chair at the top remained vacant.

Edward leaned up so he could float over the gathering. He hung from the chandelier like a ghost adding no noise to the silence.

His son entered the room a few moments later unaccompanied by Charles. The room became so quiet Edward could hear a flea jumping from head to head.

"My Lords," Edward said solemnly to his gathered statesman; "the Queen has woken." The room was immediately filled with cheers and good tidings towards the King. Edward smiling silenced the noise by raising his left hand. "However, the cause and attack on the Queens person as well as her guards must be addressed."

"The Scots," shouted a voice from the back of the chamber.

"The French," came another voice.

These interruptions made Edward smile; "of course in light of other recent events. The attack on Sterling Castle by the Scots and Philips support of their venture can only lead us to their door to dispence revenge," he said taking his place at the top of the table. Putting his hands together he surveyed the room before continuing; "I have reason to believe there is more at play than Philip and I need to know are you with me?"

In reply the room was filled with noise again, Lords stamping their feet or banging the table in agreement as Edward raised his arms, smiling broadly like a real king.

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