Chapter 8

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"And then, he said my work wasn't satisfactory. My work is more than satisfactory." I say into my phone as I angrily smear paint on the canvas. Acrylic has gotten all over my clothes even under the smock.

"Okay, you know what," Iris says on the other end of the line. "You need a distraction. Do you like pizza?"

"I love it.. Why?"

"Great, because I'm coming over and I'm bringing some. Text me your address. I'll be over within the hour."


A beep sounds in my ear indicating she has already hung up. She's right, I can't let James ruin my night. I try to smooth out the lines of my painting as I wait for her.

Iris is at my apartment in a record breaking amount of time. As soon as I open the door, she gives me a big hug. In the time I have known Iris, I noticed she is a big hugger. And when I say big, I mean huge. I'm talking long, tight, spine-crushing.

I've gotten used to them by now, so I wrap my arms around her immediately as she bisects my backbone with the utmost affection. And I don't fight it anymore. I have learned to completely give in to Iris the bone breaker. I've never been a hugger. I didn't even wear Huggies diapers as a baby. But I would never want to crush Iris' ebullient spirit, mainly because I think sad Iris would be reminiscent of a teary-eyed puppy, so I go along with the hugs now. As she finally frees me, I notice that she has a green bag in her left hand.

"What is that?"

She looks confused for a moment as if she forgets that she holds a bag in her hands then looks down at it in realization.

"Oh this? It's just some pizza dough I whipped up the other night. I didn't want it to go to waste in the fridge.So here I am, with the dough!"

"Okay.. why?"

She heads to my kitchen. Which is my living room. Which is my bedroom. She puts the bag down on the countertop and opens up my fridge, half her body looking like it's being swallowed up by the fridgey glorious whiteness. She pulls out items, then puts them back; opens drawers, then closes them again. I just watch in awe and confusion. She groans loudly. "Why do you have literally nothing in your fridge? What do you eat?"

Lots of frozen food. And takeout. Cheap takeout. I'm not the greatest cook there is. That's why I don't mind that my kitchen is barely big enough to qualify as one.

I also don't mind that my diet consists of fish sticks and noodles. And the fact that my kitchen looks like a supermarket aisle after the apocalypse. All I need is my microwave, and my frozen dumplings and I'm good.

"Okay, new plan: we are going grocery shopping."

"Right now?"

"Yeah, right now. When else would I be talking about?"

"Look I'm sure I have a microwave pizza-"

"Oh no. Nuh uh uh no, no no. Absolutely not."

Iris' hand lifts in front of her heart. She looks appalled. "Microwave pizza? That is disgraceful." She starts walking towards the door. "Grab your wallet and let's go."

I guess she's making me pay for this one.

When we get to the supermarket near my apartment, it's not as empty as I thought it would be. I mean it's only 7, but I like that supermarket because not a lot of people go there.

She grabs a basket and goes straight for the produce section. She grabs a handful of tomatoes and examines each one to make sure they are up to her standard before putting them in the cart. The cart that I am currently pushing while following her as she makes weird twists and turns around the supermarket. She adds mozzarella, basil, and an array of spices to the basket. And a bottle of wine. Then another. I don't mind that part.

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