004, ᴀɪʀᴘᴏʀᴛ

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(Y/ns pov)

Me and Gabriella woke up around 6am to get our stuff packed, take showers, and still be able to eat breakfast in the food court downstairs.

I finish packing and go to the bathroom to take a shower. I turn on the shower and get in shortly after. I wash up And look at the soap running down my body everywhere.

I get out and put on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt By Nike. Then put my hair in a high ponytail before doing My skincare that I had right there. I get out and go to the kitchen where gabby was at and sit next to her. She had Already took her shower.

I grabbed a water they had in the fridge and drank it.
Skip to the airport

We get to the airport and go in, we walked around till We found our flight thing. We sat down and gabby fell asleep, They finally call our flight after waiting 40 minutes. I wake Up gabby and we get up grabbing the suitcases and bags.

We get on the plane my number was B4 and gabby seat number Was C2. I get my stuff up and sit down next to a girl. "Hi, I'm Melody." She said smiling. "Y/n" I say smiling and raising my hand Up to shake hers. She raises her Hand up and says something.

"Aren't you the girl that Miguel and maya been talking about?" She said shaking my hand, then pulling her phone out and showing Me some group text thing. She scrolled up to a photo that I had took Before going to the premiere. (That same picture from chapter 2)

I was shook when I saw the message under the photo. "Y'all this is The girl Miguel has been talking about." The message had said. It Was from the maya girl at the premiere. "uh, y-yeah that's me."

I said still shook, we continued talking till the plane was about to Land. "Can I get your number?" Melody said. "Yeah," you give her Your number and waited till the plane landed to get your stuff.

You get your stuff and waited to get off because people were blocking They way out of your seat. The line starts moving and you see Gabriella, She lets you get in front of her in line. The line soon moves again and you Get off the plane.

Finn was picking us up because he lived close to the airport. You and gabby Soon see him. I run up to him and hug him. "I missed you so much, y/n." Finn said hugging me back. Gabby came over shortly after with all our luggage.
(Miguel pov)

I woke up to the group chat blowing up, I look up and see maya in the kitchen.
She was eating an apple. I picked up my phone and went to the group chat.
This is kinda sloppy because I was mad when i made it but....

489 words

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