Chapter 5 - Two More Tickets Found

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"This just in! The third Golden Ticket has been found!" The CNN reporter stated from the television in the living room of the Connelly house.

"Another one?" Nolan commented. "They gotta be kidding! How do these people keep finding these things so fast?"

"We're live right now in Atlanta, Georgia with the third ticket finder, Miss Violet Beauregarde, and her mother Scarlett. Ms. Beauregarde, why are you carrying all those trophies?"

"I'm just so proud! So damn proud!" Ms. Beauregarde answered. "These are just a few of the 263 trophies my Violet has won."

Violet was slim and athletic, with short blonde hair and green eyes. She wore a light blue tracksuit with blue and white trainers and socks, and a blue zipper heart and watch.

"I'm a gum chewer mostly," Violet explained, a piece of gum literally in her mouth as she spoke. "But when I heard about these ticket things, I laid off the gum and switched to candy bars."

"She's just a driven young woman, I don't know where she gets it." Ms. Beauregarde said proudly.

"I'm the junior world champion gum chewer." Violet flourished. "This piece of gum I'm working on right now, I've been chewing on for three months solid. That's a record. So this one kid's gonna get a special prize? Better than all the rest? I don't care who the other five are. That kid, it's gonna be me."

"Tell them why, Violet." Ms. Beauregarde spoke up.

Violet smiled at the camera. "Because I'm a winner."

Mr. Connelly burst out laughing. "Gimme a break, man! 'Junior World Champion Gum Chewer'?"

Nolan couldn't help but laugh along with his father. "That's not even a thing, is it?"

"Louis! Nolan!" It was then that they were interrupted by Mrs. Connelly, who announced that dinner was ready for them.

"What a beastly girl!" Grandma Josephine said from the Bucket house.

"Utterly despicable!" Grandpa George agreed. "She'll come to a sticky end one day, chewing all that gum, you see if she doesn't."

But the evening wasn't over yet. Nolan and Mr. Connelly were called back by Mrs. Connelly, because word had just spread that the fourth Golden Ticket had been found by a boy named Mike Teavee from Denver, Colorado.

Mike was a wiry youngster, with short brown hair, green eyes, fair skin and rosy cheeks. He wore a grey bleeding skull shirt under a long-sleeved black shirt, dark grey lounge pants and black Converse sneakers.

The cameras showed a closeup of the boy, but he seemed too preoccupied by a first-person shooter game he was playing called Undead Odyssey 2.

"All I had to do was check the manufacturing dates, offset by weather, and the derivative of the Nikkei Index. A retard could figure it out."

Mr. Norman Teavee, Mike's father, sighed. "Most of the time, I don't know what he's talking about. You know, kids these days with all the technology... it doesn't seem like they stay kids for very long."

"Die, die, die!" Mike could be heard shouting in the background. After his player was killed, he paused the game and put down his controller. "In the end, I only had to buy one candy bar."

"And how did it taste?" One newsman asked.

Mike scoffed. "I dunno, I hate chocolate."

"Don't like chocolate?" Mr. Connelly echoed. "Well, it's a good thing you're going to a chocolate factory, innit? You ungrateful little..." He had to stop himself from saying what he wanted to because his son was in the same room as he was.

"So what have we learned?" Nolan asked his father, grinning. "As of now, all the Golden Ticket winners are complete and utter brats."

"Exactly!" Mr. Connelly replied, laughing.

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