Chapter 11 - The Chocolate Room

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The Chocolate Room in the Wonka factory didn't seem like a room at all. It was more like a chocolate wonderland. Nolan could see green grass underneath him, with giant lollipops, candy apples, and even a tremendous chocolate waterfall halfway along the great brown river, a steep cliff over which the creamy substance curled and rolled in a solid sheet, and then went crashing down into a boiling, churning whirlpool. Charlie looked around him in absolute wonder. Augustus dropped the chocolate bar he was holding in excitement.

The rest of them were too flabbergasted to speak. They were staggered. They were dumbfounded. They were bewildered and dazzled. They were completely bowled over by the hugeness of the whole thing. They simply stood and stared.

"Wow," Nolan breathed in awe, his bright blue eyes shining. "The feeling of standing here in this magical place, which seems like the place we dream of every night, is absolutely breathtaking!"

"You're breathtaking," Violet whispered, eyeing him with a dreamy look in her eyes. Veruca happened to overhear her and shot her a jealous glare.

"Mr. Wonka, this place is beautiful!" Nolan continued, addressing the factory owner.

"Oh, yes, it's very beautiful." Mr. Wonka agreed, beginning to lead everyone further into the room. "Every drop of the river is hot melted chocolate of the finest quality. The waterfall is most important. It mixes the chocolate, churns it up, makes it light and frothy. By the way, no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall, my dear children, and you can take that to the bank!"

Mr. Wonka continued walking, before he turned towards the river.

"People!" He said to everyone, directing with his hand. "Those pipes suck up the chocolate and carry it away, all over the factory. Thousands of gallons an hour."

Mr. Wonka then directed his hand down to the grass underneath them. "Do you like my meadow?" He asked. "Try some of my grass! Please, have a blade, please do. It's so delectable and so darn good looking!"

"You mean you can eat the grass?" Charlie asked.

"Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable. Even I'm eatable, but that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies." Mr. Wonka responded. "Enjoy!"

All the children immediately ran off in different directions to explore, Augustus headed for the chocolate river. Mr. Salt stared icily at Mr. Wonka, who remained unfazed. Unnerved, the businessman turned away a few seconds later.

"Come on Dad, this way!" Nolan called to Mr. Connelly, who smiled and went to explore with his son.

Nolan skipped through the gorgeous candy wonderland, trying to decide which to try first. His attention was drawn to vicious grunting noises. Turning his head, he saw Mike smashing a red candy pumpkin into pieces nearby. Just then his father came rushing over and saw his son jumping in the pumpkin remains.

"Son, please..." Mr. Teavee spoke calmly.

"Dad, he said enjoy!" Mike sassed in response.

Nolan chuckled. "If by that he meant 'destroy' then yeah, you're nailing it right now."

Mr. Teavee grinned. Mike scowled.

"What does it matter to you anyway, nerd?" He fired back.

Nolan shrugged. "Fine, but don't come crying to me if you wreck your shoes."

Mike stared in disbelief as Nolan walked away.

Nolan continued walking until he came across a colourful tube-like plant with green tentacle stems and white frosting on top of it. He ran his finger over the top of the airy white substance and popped his finger into his mouth. To his surprise, the frosting tasted of marshmallows.

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory - Male OC InsertWhere stories live. Discover now