Chapter 20 - Up And Out

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"Right, on with the tour." Mr. Wonka said. "There's still so much left to see. Now, how many children are left?"

He took off his goggles and turned around to face the children and their parents.

Grandpa Joe removed his goggles. "Mr. Wonka... Charlie, Veruca, Violet and Nolan are the only ones left."

"The most sensible one out of all of us is Charlie." Nolan added. "Not to mention the luckiest."

Mr. Wonka stared with wide eyes. "You mean you're the only ones?"

Charlie smiled. "Yes," he replied in a barely audible whisper.

"What happened to the others?" Mr. Wonka asked.

Violet shrugged with a smirk. "We don't know."

Mr. Wonka's face immediately lit up and he grasped Charlie's hand in an excited handshake.

"Oh, my dear boy, but that means you've won!" He exclaimed, much to the surprise of Violet and her mother. "Oh, I do congratulate you, I really do! I'm absolutely delighted! I had a hunch right from the beginning. Well done!"

He then focused his attention back on the others. "Now, we mustn't dilly or dally. We have an enormous number of things to do before the day's out. But luckily for us, we have the great glass elevator to speed things along!"

"Watch it!" Nolan warned as Mr. Wonka had turned around and started walking while he was finishing his sentence. However, he wasn't quick enough as Mr. Wonka slammed into the glass elevator and fell to the floor with a grunt.

It took every fibre in the beings of Nolan and Violet to not start laughing, but managed to resist as it would be rude.

Mr. Wonka got up and straightened his hat before pushing the elevator button, and the doors dinged and slid open.

"Come on!" He said to everyone as they all went aboard the elevator again.

Just as the door was closing, Mr. Wonka pushed a button on the right wall that had an unusual label. It read "Up and Out."

"Up and Out?" Nolan echoed.

"What kind of a room is that?" Charlie questioned.

Mr. Wonka looked at them with a knowing smile. "Hold on."

"Something crazy is going to happen now," Nolan whispered to Charlie who stood beside him. But the young British boy wasn't frightened. He wasn't even nervous. He was just terrifically excited, and so were Nolan, Violet and Veruca. Grandpa Joe's face was shining with excitement.

Then WHAM! The Great Glass Elevator shot straight up like a rocket!

"Woooo!" Violet shouted excitedly.

"Oh my goodness," Mr. Wonka observed. "We're gonna need to go much faster, otherwise we'll just never break through."

"Break through?" Mr. Salt repeated. "Break through what exactly?"

Mr. Wonka smiled excitedly, though there was a slight eeriness present. "I've been longing to press that button for years! Well, here we go, up and out!"

"But Mr. Wonka," Veruca was starting to get incredibly nervous. "You seriously don't mean–"

"Yeah, I do!" Mr. Wonka said, still with the excited and eerie expression.

"But it's made of glass!" Mr. Connelly protested. "It'll smash into a million pieces!"

Mr. Wonka laughed as Nolan suddenly broke into an excited grin.

"Brace yourselves! T-minus ten!" He exclaimed to the others. "Nine! Eight!"

"Seven! Six!" Violet joined in, grabbing Nolan's left hand.

"Five!" Mr. Wonka followed, cheerful as ever.

"Four!" Veruca and Charlie entered the countdown next, Veruca intertwining the fingers on Nolan's right hand with her own.

"Three! Two! One!" All the children and Mr. Wonka shouted the last three numbers, before the elevator shot through the glass roof at the very top of the factory, flying high up into the clouds. Momentum slowed it down, before it eventually stopped and started plummeting back down again.

"The elevator's gone mad!" Mr. Connelly shouted.

"Not to worry, Mr. Connelly." Mr. Wonka advised calmly, and he pressed another button. Instantly, boosters deployed to rapidly slow the descent of the elevator, before it stopped again.

The elevator literally stopped and hung in midair, hovering like a helicopter, hovering over the factory and over the very city of London itself which lay spread out before them like a picture postcard!

Looking down through the glass floor on which they were standing, Charlie and Nolan could see the small far-away houses and the streets and the snow that lay thickly over everything. It was quite a frightening feeling to be standing on clear glass high up in the sky. It made you feel as if you weren't standing on anything at all.

"Are we all right?" Mr. Salt asked everyone.

"Yes, sir." Nolan replied.

"All good here." Violet added.

Just then, Nolan noticed the other children and their parents exiting the factory.

"Guys, take a look." He pointed with his finger, and the rest of the children and Mr. Wonka followed his gaze.

"Oh goodness, we must head down and see those two." The candyman said, before pressing and holding another button on the ceiling. The elevator dropped lower, until Mr. Wonka released the button and the elevator stopped, and was now hovering just above the entrance gates to the factory.

"What are those red trucks for?" Violet asked.

"Don't you girls remember what it said on the Golden Tickets?" Nolan chimed in. "It stated that every child would go home with a large supply of sweets. There's one truckload for each of us, fully loaded to the brim."

"I see Augustus!" Veruca exclaimed. "Right at the gates, look!"

"Is he really all right?" Charlie inquired, surprised. "Even after going up that pipe?"

"Indeed he is." Nolan answered.

"He's changed, though!" Mr. Connelly interjected. "He used to be fat, now he's skinny as a rail! He looks like he may even partially be made of chocolate!"

Down on the ground, Augustus couldn't stop licking himself as he walked with his mother.

"Augustus, please, don't eat your fingers!" Mrs. Gloop pleaded.

"But I taste so good!" Augustus replied.

"Oh my!" Grandpa Joe breathed in astonishment. "What have they done to poor Mike Teavee? He's about ten feet tall and thin as a wire!"

"Looks like they overstretched him in the taffy puller." Nolan responded. "Quite the careless move."

"And now," Mr. Wonka spoke up, fixing his eyes on Charlie and Nolan. "I have something very important to talk to you two boys about. But first off, where do you two live exactly?"

"Right over there." Charlie pointed with a finger. "That little house."

"Well, we came from New York," Nolan mused. "We're currently staying at the Savoy. Not sure if Mom's there or not."

Mr. Wonka winked. "I know exactly where that is."

With that, he pushed a few more buttons on the ceiling of the elevator, and the great glass structure flew towards the bustling front entrance of the famous hotel in London.

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