Chapter Four

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Mr. Maverick and his wife were in their bedroom. Master's bedroom with dashing interior designs. In the bedroom is a big size foam that could comfortably accommodate five persons. The bedspread is golden in color. It matches the color of the curtain. There are four flower vases with beautiful flowers in the room, each on one side of the room. 

Lessie's attention was on the television that was showing one of her favorite programs while her husband was reading a newspaper he held with one hand. He adjusted his glasses and sighed heavily.

"Am tired of using glasses while reading. I grew up with eye problems. I had always made use of glasses, especially while reading since my childhood".

" That's pathetic", said Lessie who now faces her husband's direction. "I can imagine what it looks like to be on glasses for a lifetime. It's so hard to deal with".

" Yes my wife, you are not far from the truth. It's brain-draining. Very hard to cope with".

"Did your parents make any attempt to avert the situation?".

" What do you mean?" Maverick queried.

"I mean, did they take you to the doctor, maybe for some kind of treatment or surgery?".

" Yes, my mum did. Dad had been a very busy man that he hardly had time for us. I and my siblings always long for his fatherly love but we were always denied it".

"Awww, honey, I am so sorry about that," pitied Lessie.

"Mum had been the one playing both the fatherly role and the motherly role to us. She died before dad and life weren't fair to us after her demise. My siblings and I went through thick and thin to survive. I am glad I succeeded at last".

" It's okay, I am super proud of you my darling" Lessie tried to console as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Maverick's phone rang, he picked it up from the bed and pressed the receive button.

"Hello Maverick".

" Hi, Ryan".

"Maverick, my daughter's flight left 15 minutes ago, tell your son to go to the airport and get her. He shouldn't keep her waiting. I wouldn't tolerate it a bit".

" Oh, really? I will inform Juan right away. He would be there waiting for her".

" That sounds good," said Ryan.

Lessie whispered to her husband to ask Ryan the color of the cloth his daughter wore. 

"Mhmm, could you please tell me the type of cloth your daughter wore and the color? This would be easy for my son Juan to identify her. To avoid bringing someone else's daughter home instead of Charlotte".

Ryan could hear Lessie's laughter from his end.

" You funny man, is your wife there with you?"

"Yes. She has been here all this while".

"Oh! That's good. Send my greetings to her. About my daughter's clothes, for easy identification, tell your son that when he gets to the airport, he should search for a young tall girl with a round face, a pointed nose, curly long hair with a charming smile. Her beauty is top-notch. She is putting on a purple short flare gown with silver shoes and a handbag to match".

" Man, all these descriptions are for one person alone?" Asked Maverick, whose mouth had been wide open because of the way Ryan is describing his daughter's appearance for easy identification.

"Remember, don't keep her waiting". Reminded Ryan before he hung up the call.

Lessie got up from the bed, opened the door, and unintentionally jammed it so hard that her husband screamed with a slack jaw. She went to the kitchen, met the domestic staff busy with their work, and requested two cups of coffee from the chief cook. She moved closer to the fridge and saw how messy the surface is, opened it and an unpleasant smell oozes out from it. She tilts her head back immediately and covers her nose with her fingers. For one minute she had been silent. The whole atmosphere is calm and quiet. Everyone is surprised. No one could fathom the reason for her action. The domestic staff was all looking at each other in confusion.

" Ma'am, is there any problem?" Asked the chief cook. Wrapping her arms around herself.

" Like seriously, wait a minute, you have the temerity to ask me if anything is wrong?" Shouted Lessie. 

"When was the last time you cleaned this fridge? The odor emanating from it is very disgusting and could make someone throw up".

" Am sorry ma'am". Apologized chief cook, as she fixed her two knees to the floor, and other domestic staff followed suit. 

"I don't want to come back and see this fridge in this condition again. Do the needful or else, you forget about your salary for this month".

" Sure ma". Replied the chief cook, bowing to Lessie who is already out of the kitchen to their room.

She opened her room door, only to find her husband snoring so loud on the bed. She tapped him twice but didn't get any response. He only turned to the other side of the bed and continued to snore. She picked up her phone from the round table in the bedroom and dial Juan's number.

"Hello, mum".

" Hi Juan, you have to head to the airport immediately. Charlotte should be there in the next few minutes".

"Alright mum, bye".

" Bye son". She barely hung up the call when one of the domestic staff came in with a tray containing two cups of coffee. She pointed to the table and asked her to keep the tray there. The domestic staff did as instructed and left. This time, Lessie climbed the bed and shook her husband who was still sleeping. 

"Dear, dear, dear". The husband answered faintly.

" Get up and have a cup of coffee". She said while heading to where the tray containing cups of coffee is being kept.

Mr. Maverick got up, sat on the bed, yawned, and rubbed his eyes with his fingers.

"Take your own". Said his wife while handing him a cup of hot coffee. He collected it from her, sip a bit, and dropped it on the table. His wife loosely opened her mouth in surprise. Their eyes met, he smiled and told her he wanted to make use of the restroom.

" Alright". She said,

Lessie could hear the door being opened, then a sound of water rushing from a tap. 

"Your urine can fill a full bowel, '' she teases her husband, slightly squinting her eyes.

" How do you mean sweetheart". Asked the confused man.

"I mean it was rushing like a tap". At this point, she couldn't hold herself as she burst into laughter, handing over the cup of coffee to her husband who was already sitting on the bed.

" Oh! I forgot to call Juan, this girl must have been waiting for him at the airport".

He turned to search for his phone on the bed when Lessie told him that she had made the call and their son was already on his way to the airport.

"Thanks dear. I slept off immediately you left and I guess I slept too long".

" Yes, I came back and met you snoring heavily. Aren't you going to meet a doctor for this your snoring issue. Though I am a nurse, I want a specialist to handle this your health issue". Calmly said Lessie.

"Sweetheart, does my snoring make you uncomfortable?" He asked anxiously.

"Not really, but as a nurse, I knew snoring is a health problem and you needed urgent medical attention honey".

" It's fine. I will try to book an appointment with a medical expert so that this menace of snoring will be erased". He said, holding his wife's hands.

"You are unbelievable. You called snoring a menace?" Lessie queried, curling her upper lip into a scowl.

"Anything that makes you uncomfortable is a menace to me". He held her shoulders, drew her closer to himself, and hugged her. 

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