Chapter Six

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" I don't think I can settle down with that type of girl. She is lousy. In fact, she is not my kind of woman". Juan said. The inner corners of his eyebrows angled up to show how sad and disappointed he is. He is expressing himself to his friends Wesley and Dylan. 

'Man, if you fail to marry this time, your dad will disown you. He might even sack you from the company and make your life miserable". 

"You are right Wesley. His dad might excuse him from their company. I think Juan had gotten on his nerves that he already ran out of patient".

" Man, you need to loosen up. Lose up where women are. You are very strict when choosing a woman. Remember, nobody is perfect, everyone has flaws".

"Yea, I perfectly understood you both, I wish you would look through my heart to see that the quality I needed in a woman is beyond class and physical beauty".

" Yes, we know". His friends said in unionism. Nodding their heads in agreement with what he said.

"I need a woman that would ignite the light of happiness in me whenever I am around her. A woman that can…"

"You are daydreaming Juan''. Wesley cut in. " How possibly would you achieve this when you are not flexible when it comes to women? Don't you know that your tight face would scare them away? We had tried hooking you up with three ladies, yet you failed to settle with one".

"Common Wesley, none of them has what I want".

" Dylan brought out his mobile phone from his pocket. He scrolled through his saved contact, pause when he got to the digits saved with Luna and dial the number. He put his phone on a loudspeaker so that everyone would hear his conversation with the receiver.

"Hello, Luna".

" Hi. How are you, Dylan?"

"I'm cool and you?".

" Great. What's your schedule like?.

"How do you mean?.

" Do you mind meeting me at a swiss bar now"?

"Sure, I would be there right away".

Dylan told Juan that Luna is his colleague who has no questionable character and would make a perfect wife for him. He assured Juan that he would like her once she comes.

A few moments later, Juna looked up and saw a lady approaching them. She is about 5'7 inches tall with curly long hair, a flat nose, and green eyes. She had searched through when she entered the bar and had seen where Dylan was seated with his friends. Dylan got up from his seat and ushered her to one of the vacant seats on their premise. He introduced her to his two friends Wesley and Juan. Luna exchanged pleasantries with them. Dylan whispered something in Wesley's ear and they excused themselves. 

" Hi, my name is Juan, can I get to know you better?.

"Hi, I am Luna by name, damn it, you are so handsome".

" Thanks, you are a beautiful lady too".

" You look so lonely".

" What do you mean?"

" I mean that you look like someone who doesn't have a woman in his life".

" Oh that, your guess is right". 

" Then, permit me to feel the vacuum". She went close to Juan, widened his lap with her hands, sat in-between his legs, on one of his laps, and tried to lock her lips with his.

"Excuse me. You are sexually assaulting me in the public". Shouted Juan as he pushed her away from his lap, got his car key, and left the bar without any word to his friends. Dylan and Wesley tried to speak with him but he refused to give them a listening ear. He entered his car and zoomed off.

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