Oblivion - Part 20

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We walk into our room laughing. "Why didn't you join me? The water was really nice and refreshing." I ask him as I take off my now wet clothes and walk into the bathroom. "Well first, you were so fast I didn't get a chance. And second..." he paused and sighed "I can't swim." Surprised I stick my head around the corner of the bathroom "There's something you can't do?". "Hey! Don't be mean!" he looks at me pouting. "I'm sorry. I'm going to teach you how to swim next time, okay?" I give him an air kiss and then close the bathroom door. I hear him still startled calling after me "Next time?".

Clean and satisfied of the day I lie in bed. Only I have trouble falling asleep, I keep tossing and turning. "What is it?" I hear softly next to me. I know what's up, but I don't want to admit it. "It's tomorrow isn't it?" he asks in the same soft tone. "Mhm" I answer. "You're not alone, okay. I'm with you every step of the way." I feel him move closer to me and he gives a kiss on my shoulder, he cares my arm with his fingertips. His touch relaxes me, causing me to fall asleep.

In the morning I had to look for the laundry room. I was wearing my third and final set of clean clothes today, so washing was a must. When the machine did his work, we got our breakfast. After, I got our clothes from the machine but because the motel dryer was broken, our room was now decorated with wet clothes to dry. Then we left, we got on the motorbike and drove towards the mine.

The closer we got, the tighter the knot in my stomach got. By the time he parked the bike and we got off, I wasn't sure I wanted to go. Despite those feelings I took the first few steps into the forest, towards the entrance of the mine tunnel. The traces of the fierce fire that had raged were still visible. Some bits of police tape was still hanging in the bushes or tied to trees. Charred bits of wood were still everywhere, some disintegrating from years of exposure to the weather.

We passed the hatch, now completely welded shut, through which Hannah had been led to her rescue by Alan. We walked a quite a bit further, when we arrived at the entrance of the tunnel from which I had been carried out, on a strecher. This entrance was also completely closed. Warning signs that the mine has collapsed hung around the entrance. Between the cracks of the barrier I can see the burnt girders, undisturbed ash lies on the ground.

I wipe the tears from my face with the back of my hand. I don't cry with sadness, I've already let those tears go. I cry from the raging anger inside me. I had the memories again, but hadn't paid them any attention yet. I can still hear Alan talking to Richy ... "Get out now! Stick to the plan that Michael did all this. I don't want to lose another friend because of what a stupid teenage girl did ten years ago!"... Those words make me furious, seething. How dare he, how dare he ruin my life by saving that son of a bitch. Purely out of rage I scream my lungs out. Just a cry no words. If I had to describe hate, that's how I feel for all three of them. Deep envy, disgust and loathing, in fact they don't even deserve that. They should rot in hell. No, it should be a place where hell seems like a paradise.

After calming myself down, I feel Jake wrap his arms around my waist. "Are you alright?" he asks, resting his chin on my shoulder and looking at the entrance we are in front of. "I'm going to make them pay." I say. I have never felt more assured of anything than I do now. "Good. Let me help you with that." he engourage me and gives me a kiss. We stay like this for a while before taking the forest path back to the motorbike.

I expected him to drive back to the motel, but instead he drives in the opposite direction. Despite my surprise and curiosity, I let it go. I enjoy the ride, that lasts just long enough to clear my head a bit, 'cause the ride was already coming to an end. Jake stops the motorcycle in front of a lonely building along the road. Although the building may look lonely, it was full of life, inside and out. He had parked his motorcycle next to a row of others. Several pickup trucks were parked next to the building. The grin on his face told me he had something up his sleeve. "What is it with this guy and his sleeves?" I laugh to myself in my mind. "Okay, spit it out Jake!" I command him. "I'd like to show you part of my world. This is just a small part of it." he continues to grin. I shake my head but have to laugh as I follow him up the stairs of the building.

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