Oblivion - Part 30 (final part)

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Owen stands behind us with his gun drawn. Four more officers appear behind him, doing the same. They're not targeting us, but Alan and Richy. "Drop it." Owen takes a few steps forward. When I turn around I see that Alan himself has drawn his gun and is aiming at me with one trembling arm stretched out. "No! She's not getting away with this!" he grumbles in pain. "What have I ever done to you Alan?!" my anger is still not gone. "And to you Richy? You were the one who told me to stay. To help! And this is what you're doing to me?!" the anger only gets worse.

Frustrated, I want to lift the crowbar in my hand again to hit them again, but Alan puts his finger on the trigger and pulls it. As if time slows down and everything goes in slow motion, I see the bullet flying my way. There is no time to do anything and before I know it I see everything fading in front of me until my sight is completely gone.

I wake up irritated by a beep, a constant beep that just won't stop. I'm sleeping so well that I don't want to wake up at all. Only the beep won't stop, so slowly I open my eyes, to let them get used to the light, hence I can see where that annoying beep is coming from. I can't identify the sounds I hear either, they sound like a murmur. Until I feel something on my arm and hear a lady's voice say my name, my eyes shoot open. "Layana, can you hear me?" the woman says kindly almost whispering. I look at her, she has a sweet smile on her face and she wears a white coat. I nod in response to her question. "Good to see you again" she still smiles. "Where am I" I whisper to her, I can hardly form the words because my throat feels raw. "You are at the Colville medical center." she answers my question directly. "I'll be right back with the doctor. He can tell you everything." She gives my arm a small squeeze and walks away. I look around the room where I am, I am lying on a bed and the beeping comes from the heart monitor next to me. I'm in a room alone, a lot of devices are in here too and most of them are connected to me. In the corner of the room a man is slumped in a chair, sleeping. I don't recognize him. I actually want to say something, but my throat feels so rough that I start to cough. The man is startled and looks my way. He gets up, walks towards the sink and fills a cup with water, then walks over to me and stands next to my bed.

"Hi" he says softly. "Would you like to sit up a little more?". I nod, whereupon he raises the electric bed a little straighter, also puts my pillow properly. Then he hands me the cup of water. "Small sips okay?" he holds the cup with my hand around it so that I don't spill when I take a sip. "Thank you." I say to him, my throat feels a little better. Then he takes the cup from me again and sits down next to me on the edge of my bed. I look at him for a long time, studying who he is. He's very handsome, a man I could fall for if I wasn't lying here. His bright blue eyes are beautiful, but the gaze he has is concerned and fearful. "You seem like you know me well. But I don't recognize you. What am I to you?" I ask him carefully. He lowers his eyes, takes a deep breath, and then looks up at me again. His eyes are filled with tears, and my heart breaks even though I don't know this man, but he feels so familiar and secure. I take his hand in mine "Please tell me, what am I to you?". He clears his throat to answer me but we are interrupted by the nurse that walks into the room with the doctor behind her.

"Good afternoon Layana" he says when he comes to stand next to me. "I'm Dr. Millward, I understand you have questions. And I'm here to answer them." he pauses and looks at the man sitting on my bed. "Let me ask you a question first, how are you feeling?" he turns to me again. "A little dizzy, a bit or a headache and my scalp feels sore. But mostly confused." I answer him as honestly as possible. "That does not seem strange to me, given the circumstances. What I am going to tell you is a lot, but it is very important that you know all the information." he's waiting for my confirmation that I've understood him, so I nod.

"Good. You have had surgery to the brain. Unfortunately, you suffered amnesia as a result. This is not a permanent side effect, with a short time your memory will recover." I interrupt him because I immediately have a question "Why did I need brain surgery?". "This will come as a shock, but you were shot, the bullet hit your head. You were lucky that the bullet only hit a superficial part of the brain, but it required surgery to repair the injury." The news certainly came as a shock, but I really appreciate the doctor's directness and honesty. "The details about the shooting incident are unknown to me, so unfortunately I cannot answer the questions about it. What I can tell you is that you came through the operation well, there were no complications." He gives me a reassuring smile. "How long have I been here?" is my next question. "Only three days." his answer is short "Do you have any other questions?". "Yes, how long do I have to stay?" I hoped not for long, though I have no idea where to go. "A week in total, if everything continues to go well, of course. Then it will take up for a few more weeks to build up to full recovery. We will make appointments for check-ups. You may still suffer from headaches, but they should not get worse than you are already experiencing." It sounds like he wants to end the conversation with that, which is fine with me because I also want to ask the guy who's still sitting on my bed questions.

When the doctor has left my room, the nurse said that she will bring me some custard and that I can drink water. I watch her as she also leaves the room, when the door is completely closed I turn to the man in front of me. "I don't want to be insensitive, but who are you?". "What's the last thing you remember?" he asks me in return. I think about his question "The last thing I remember is, is, actually quite personal." I think out loud. I see him raise his eyebrow curiously. "How do I explain this. Try not to laugh okay, it sounds stupid and terribly careless. But there's a man I'm crazy about. We've never seen each other and only had contact trough texts, but the last thing I remember is that he sends a message saying 'I love you'." I look at him slightly embarrassed. I can't find anything on his face that says I'm crazy or weird for what I just told him, but I see a small smile appear. "Hi, I'm Jake and I do love you very much." he says, kissing my hand which is still holding his.

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