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(I know I'm supposed to be finish writing the other book but shush let me do what I like so I can stop thinking about something thank you btw might be smut but idk
.love the creator)

Soft moans escape me slightly parted lips, my hands running down my bed sheets on both  sides

"Open your legs more for me, Princess..." A soft yet dominating voice says from between my legs as they push another finger inside of me making me buckle my hips as a jolt of pleasure rushes up my entire body.

Their fingers picking up speed, and their tongue flicking over my clit making me jolt a couple times, feeling them smirk against me, more moans escaping my lips

"M-more, please..." I whine arching my back "Tell me what you want baby" They replied, curling both fingers inside of me making it hard for me to form any words

"I said tell me what you want Robin, or I'll stop, do you understand me? Now use that pretty little mouth properly, words" They said, sounded even more dominating with a serious tone making

Me even more turned on.

"I-i want you..."

I say breathing heavy

"I want you inside of me, please" i beg, Their fingers slid out of me making to whimper, the bed adjusts and BEEEP BEEEP BEEP!!!

Jolting up from my bed and smashing my alarm.
God dammit please tell me I didn't dream about Noah ughhhh.
I rub my face and rubbing my eyes I go to my closet to find something to wear
I picked shorts with a over sized shirt I get dressed tucking in my shirt and putting a belt on I grab some mascara and put it on then brush my teeth  and then grab my phone and head down stairs to put my shoes on and I grab my bag. And wait for the bus and then get to sit. I find Noah (btw Noah is child hood friends with Robin ok back to the story)
Hey noah. I said kissing his cheek

Men... Noah said looking at me

I looked at Noah confused
Are you high Noah

How many times do I have to tell you mOm I don't do dRuGs. He said smirking

I put my hand over his mouth.
Shush it weirdo. I said laughing
We get off the bus and walk into school I wait for him to get done at his locker and then we go to mine.
I get the stuff I need and put stuff in.
Then Noah drops his key and he goes to pick it up but stops.
Robin do I need to teach you how to tie your damn shoes ugh. He says tieing my shoe.
Well I didn't want to miss the  bus now did I. I said
Well you could have texted me I would have walked you to school.
I don't need you walking me to school I'm not a kid. I say annoyed
Alright you are all tied up my lady.  He said holding out his hand
I grab his hand and we walk to class
We get to class and we sit in our seats before the teacher came in noah threw a paper at my head and I picked it up and read it. It said ( can I come over today?)  I looked at him and nodded.

Ok fast forward to lunch

I ran to lunch and sat down at our table.  And waited for everyone else when I saw Noah I waved and sat back down. Then the rest of our table came I didn't know them and barely talked to them.  Noah came and gave me a apple.
And I heard one of them say "aww they're flirting again"
Me and Noah yelled shut up
I ate my apple while Noah talked to the table.
Finally it was time to go
We get on the bus
We got to my house and my moms car was still there.
We walked in and my mom yelled from the kitchen we went in the kitchen

Ohhh hey sweetie how was school. Oh Noah  your here two well I didn't know you were coming well I have work in a bit so y'all could warm up some leftovers.
My mom kisses my cheek and leaves.

Well why don't we go up stairs. I say
I grabbed noahs hand and run upstairs
We go into my room and set down our bags. I let go and go in my closet and dig out cigarettes and go to the window and open it I sit and  light it, and I look at Noah with a cigarette in my hand, he takes it, and he lightd his 2 sitting across from me.
I kind of forgot you smoked Robin, I thought you were done with that a year ago, but apparently you're not, I guess you relearn things everyday. He said with a cigarette in his mouth.
Oooo I am emo. I said laughing a bit blowing smoke out the window.
So after this, you wanna get some leftovers?
He nods blowing smoke out
I get up and grabbed the ashtray and put out my cigarette so did noah.
I start to get up but Noah stops me
You get ready for bed Missy I will go reheat the leftovers and I will be back up here, rest your pretty little head. He said smirking then kissed me softly and went down stairs.
I smile a bit then looked out the window I remember when I asked him to be my first kiss, because I didn't know how to kiss for a dumb Dance  which I got ditched we'll luckily noah was there.
I get undressed but only had on bra and panties and Noah comes in.

Ooooo~ I think you should wear that to bed, but don't take my advice. He sets a plate down on the bed.
Nope you weirdo. I put some shorts on and we eat by the window. When we are both done I grab our plates and go put them in the sink and come back to Noah in bed shirtless. He smiles patting the bed.
I roll my eyes and jump in bed next to him and he pulled me closer comforting me he knew it put me to sleep quickly. And like that I was asleep.

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