the looks

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I woke up and saw my alarm buzzing I turned it off and got dressed I a band tee and some shorts with a flannel.
What's going on? Noah said in a sleepy voice.
God he's fucken hot
Oh um I'm getting ready. I said
30 minutes early? He said
Yeah I get up kinda early to wake up Billy which reminds me.
I grab my phone and call Billy he picks up the phone.
Hey Will, I am just calling to make sure you are up for school.
Yeah I am up thanks. He said sleepy
I hung up I turn and see Noah gone.
I hear something
Noah are you messing with me ?
No response I walk outside and the sky is dark but it's like yellow or red orange and I hear screams.
Then I see Noah holding me.
Are you ok you like sat down really fast. He said.
Yeah I'm fine. I said and smiled
I looked down and saw something and quickly looked away (I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about 😏)
I'm going to be on the couch. I said and left
I sat down and got on my phone still questioning what happened.
Then Noah came out with a ego waffle
Did you eat? Noah asked
Yeah I had a breakfast bar. I said
Alright well since we have like what 10 minutes left what you wanna do? He asked.
Um I don't know. I said
Well I think I found the house of our dreams. I said smiling
Oh really wait why are you looking at houses? I said
Oh um my mom wants me out the house as soon as possible . He looked down
I got on his lap Andy lifted his chin.
No need to be sad you'll have me everyday . I said smiling
He smiled two
I pressed my lips against his our tongues fighting.
I backed away trying to catch my breath
I whisper in his ear.
I'm pretty sure it's been 10 minutes.
I get up and we start to walk out the door.
We get in the car and drive to school.
We get there and go to our lockers and classes.
Then it came to lunch
We sat down and I just stared at Noah and bit my lip.
God he fucken hot....
What was that Robin? Samantha asked
I stopped staring but my mind went blank
Noah come get this thing. Rose said
What did I do? I asked
Noah told me to stand up I did and he put my chair next to him.
I need to use the restroom.
I get up and go.
I go to look at the mirror
But hear a voice and I turn to see Samantha.
Hey don't worry I'm not here to hurt you.
I stood there with my arms crossed.
I just wanted to tell you there's a band or club that needs a guitar player and I think you would be a great guitar player you play well I can try to see if I can get you to meet them. Samantha said smiling.
I smiled a little.
You know I don't think it will help any if I went due to the way I dress plus I think they should be in the room so let's go. She said grabbing my hand and dragging me.
You know when I used to walk by your house I wanted to say hi and become friends but as I got popular it became harder and the day I saw you in the bathroom I wanted to ask if you were ok but was followed by the minions god I hated myself. Samantha said walking me down the hallway.
Then I heard some sniffling.
Samantha you ok?
She turned her head to me a bit she was in fact crying.
I stopped.
Sam don't worry I understand well not really but I would understand. I smiled
Then she smiled and we continued
We got to the room Samantha knocked and we were told to come in.

Why are you here Missy popular. I heard one say

I'm here to help a friend get in. She said

Corrupted crow?  Interesting name to pick. I said looking at the tee shirt one of them had

I bet you know nothing about that band on your shirt. One of them said
I do actually. I said crossing my arms. GOD WHAT IS ALL THE YELLING! one said coming out from the back
Well look at that is she recruiting? He  said
I nodded.
Well nice to meet you I'm Aaron and that one with the short brown hair is Gabe and that one there with the curly hair is Jason and you may be. Aaron said
I'm robin. I said smiling
Well it's nice to meet you robin. He kissed my hand
Buts that's a girl we were all looking for a boy. Jason said
Listen she looks familiar. Gabe said
Gabe got up close and looked at me.
You look like Aaron dad's friends girlfriend and him at the same time. Gabe said
Aaron looked at me .
Who's your mom? Aaron looked at me

Vickie. I said
Robin I think we should get going. Samantha said
Well may I have your phone number. Aaron said
Sure. I said
I gave him my number and we ran back to the cafeteria.
We got back to the table.
What took so long. Max asked
Oh I joined a club so sorry it took so long. I said
After school.
Me and Noah were walking back to his car and  Jason  came up to me.
Hey I didn't mean to like be mean to you back there. Jason said
Oh it's fine. I said
Anyway what size do you waer. Jason asked
Um like a large in women's but if you're asking in men's more like a small or medium. I said
Alright thank you Madame. Jason said winking

I got in the car and drove back to Noah's place.
So a new club now that's sexy. Naoh winked
Oh shush Noah. Putting my hand on his mouth

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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