senior year

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This year we are senior's and me and Noah are doing great.
I got up early and went to take a shower and pick out something to wear on the first day.
Well aren't I pretty today.
I got my shoes on and went to wake up Billy.
Ohhh Billy it's your first day at high school. I said grinning
Nooo~ let me sleep. He said
Oh I'm not getting my ass kicked by mom now up! I pull the covers
Billy got up and I went to text noah

:Hey Noahhh💍:)
:heyy Robin 🪄
: I want to know if you want to drive?
:oh sure and dose Billy want a ride two?
:yup :)
:alright see you in 20 minutes
I went to look at myself in the mirror.
You look good robin. Billy said
I don't need your opinion will. I said
I went outside to wait for Noah.
I saw him and he got out and I ran and kissed him
you see me every day. He said
I know I just like seeing my best friend and my boyfriend. I said
He smiled and Billy came out.
I swear y'all have to be dating y'all are so weird. Billy said
Get in the damn car. I said pushing Billy in the back
We got in the car
So Will are you ready for high school? Noah ask.
Not really. He said
Well if anyone mess's with you just slip a note in my locker or you can tell me. Noah said.
Alright I got it . Billy said
Oh let's not forget Jonathan. I said
Oh yeah him it's best to stay in a group. Noah said
I have friends I thought you knew about it. Billy said
Yeah Will has a group that i have to babysit they said I was the dad and your the mom. I said laughing a little
Well we are here. Noah said
Do you remember your locker number Will? I asked
He nodded and we went in. This year me and Noah's locker were next to each other.
Let me see your classes. Noah said grabbing my paper.
Oh wow won't you look at that we have the same class's except 8th period
I'm sure we'll be fine. I said patting his hand.
So wanna head to first? Noah said
Yeah let's see how far it is. I said
Noah and me start walking down the hallway to our class.
We get there and we take our seats.
Just what I needed math. I say frowning.
Yes. I turn to see Samantha
Oh god what do you want? I said
Can we be friends? She says
So you want me to forget about you beating me to death? I said
I understand your mad it's fine if you don't want to be friends. She said
Alright fine. I smile slightly
Oh thank you. She jumped out her seat and hugged me.
What happened with you and your minions? I asked
Well the new girl is hotter than me and they decided to kick me off the thrown.
I still think your pretty. I said
But maybe I can do something special for you. I said looking her up and down.
Oh um ok. She said
I slipped her my number and went to talk to Noah till the bell rang.
So where to next love? I said smiling
I saw his face turn a bit red.
Not used to me calling you that? I said smirking
He shook his head and we went off to the next class.
Fast forward to lunch.
We walked to lunch and sat at our table.
Hey guyss. Walked in rose and max.
Why is she here? Rose asked
Oh well I guess you can say she is little miss loner plus she's gonna be my genuine pig. I said
Oh interesting, max said
So do you have anything to say to us no wait let the others get here. Rose said gripping Samantha shoulder.
The others got there and we sat down.
Samantha took a deep breath.
Alright guys I'm sorry for what I did with the whole school telling me what to do it was stressful I know how bad people treat each other I didn't wanna be like that and to robin I am extremely sorry I would stay up thinking about how terrible I was and I know you won't accept my apology but that's fine you have every right to be mad. Samantha started crying but wasn't trying to make it obvious.
Listen Samantha what you did was horrible but I accept your apology. Maddy said comforting her.
Yeah I do two. Blake said
You already know my answer. I said
We all accept her apology.
So do you know what the new queen looks like? I asked
Yeah look. She pointed at a blonde haired girl.
She also had a nose job done. Samantha said.
A nose job that's what makes her popular? Maddy said
Samantha nodded
That's dumb. Max said
Everyone was talking but I stayed quiet.
Robin can I just say how pretty you are.
I looked to see who said it and it was Samantha
Oh thanks.i said smiling
After the last bell of the day went off I rushed to find Noah
And I see him standing by his locker I run up to him and kiss him.
I love you so damn much I'm obsessed with you.
Oh my Robin did French make you crazy? He said smiling
No I just love you and always will.
My phone buzzed and I checked it was Billy telling me he went home with some friends.
Well it looks like it's just me and you. I said looking at Noah
Well since I don't have to drop you off at your house why don't we go back to mine. He said smiling
Sure if you're mom is fine with me staying over. I said
Oh my mom's out of town for two weeks. He said holding my hand.
Oh I forgot we got to go to Rose's house to murder Samantha. I said looking up at Noah
Oh god Almighty well we will drop by then we can head back to my place. He said laughing a bit.
We drove to roses house and I got ready for the bleach.
Samantha sat down and looked nervous.
Don't worry I did this before it was very good though but you'll be fine.
I got started I focused on it  and when we were finally done I rinsed her hair and I said my good byees
I told my mom I would be staying over at Noah's and we finally got to Noah's house.
We got in and I sat down.
You hunger? Noah asked
Yeah. I looked and smiled at him
He went into the kitchen and started cooking about an hour later. He was done and  bring out the  plates. He cooked steak and mashed potatoes..
Oh my gosh seriously. I smiled
Yeah, well, it was going to expire anyway when my mom got back, so why not have it tonight with the most beautiful girl ever. He smiled at me
I blushed a little and then we started to eat.
After we were done eating, I volunteered to wash the dishes. But when I was  almost done, washing them noah, wrapped his arm around me and picked me up and put me on the counter and turned off the sink. And we made out for a few.
We caught our breath and I told Noah, I had to go take a shower he smiled
I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, but a few minutes late, or hurt, someone walk in, and then Noah came into the shower.
I panicked but he claimed me down,
God your body is so beautiful I just love it as he said rubbing his hands on my body.
We got done and I changed and got in bed with Noah and quickly fell asleep.

(Sorry it's rushed but I lost a lot of motivation so I am sorry)

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