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I wake up to my alarm and I rolled over to look at Jonathan and he was still asleep and I smiled I got up and went to go take a shower when I got done Jonathan was waiting on me.

What you waiting for? I said looking for panties and something to wear.

Oh I just was waiting for you so you didn't think I just leave you without saying anything but I'm going to go back home to change but I'll be at school. He said getting up

He kissed me and left. I went to find some clothes . I found something and got dressed and went to put mascara on and went to get my shoes on then went to text Noah.

Me: noahhh!! I'm going to school because if I don't my mom will murder me lol

Noah: oh do you want me to pick you up then?

Me: nah I'll ride the bus now I need to get going

Noah: yeah same if we gonna ride together

I grabbed my bag and went outside and put my headphones in and went to the bus stop
Then the bus came I got on and saw Noah and sat next to him.
We talked till we got to school and we went to class when we had to go separate ways we said our byes
I was walking to class then Samantha and her minions stopped me

Hey slut where were you. She said

Why do you care you got some type of crush on me.

She was interrupted by a someone

Samantha leave robin alone.

It was Jonathan and I saw Samantha blushing she had a crush on him. I mean he was kinda popular.

I'm sorry Jonathan can you forgive me. She said touching on him

Leave now Samantha. He said with a stren voice

They left and then Jonathan and I walked to class together

In the middle of class I was handed a note

Hey robin you free today ;)

Yeah :)

Cool can I come over today

I don't know what my mom will think about me bringing in boys

But you bring Noah home with you

Well my mom knows Noah and what's up with the winking face

That's true I guess also because I want to kiss you again alone

Wanna know something I got away with bringing girls home and kissing them but that's sweet of you to think :)

I'll find a way to kiss your gorgeous body again ;)

I bet you will Jonathan :)

Here's my number by the way 198#####

The bell rang and it was lunch time and me and Jonathan walked together there and waited for the others I saw Noah and I waved and he waved back and got his lunch we waited for the others and they finally got there. And they were all talking.

Robin you got a love bite who gave it to you. One of them said
Did you and Noah finally did it. Another said

It doesn't matter who gave robin the love bite.

Jonathan patted my leg and I can see the they all got their answer.

Um I'm going to the bathroom then one of them said they'll go too

We walked to the bathroom and I went to look in the mirror to see the hickey.
My face turned red looking at it

So you and Jonathan huh we all thought you would get with Noah since you know. But weren't you dating jade.

my lovely best friend ;) Where stories live. Discover now