Chapter One

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"Thank you, come again," Bonnie smiled as the customer left, letting out a breath. She turned to the register and took out the money, counting it softly as the music played over the speaker she had managed to get attached to the old record player in the corner.

Although she didn't hate the music playing, it wasn't her favorite. She always preferred the rock and metal genre, especially after her sixth-grade year, and was desperate to listen to her favorite album at the moment, Kill 'Em All by Metallica. Ever since the release earlier that year in 1983, she couldn't get the music out of her head, especially Whiplash and The Four Horsemen.

Glancing at her watch, she let out a breath. It was late, but that last customer wouldn't stop talking and kept asking her opinion on every record and cassette the shop owned. When the music ended, Bonnie didn't have to focus as she changed the record, the discs moving in the air as she used her powers. The record of Madonna flew back into its sleeve as it was replaced by Elton John, the needle hitting the disc at the right moment. Funeral for a Friend crackled over the speakers as Bonnie returned to counting money, soon moving onto the safe in the back office.

She grabbed the box of new records and cassettes and began to stock them, filing through the boxes to make sure that the records that were sitting in them were in the right place. Letting out a groan, Bonnie pulled an ABBA record out of the country box and moved onto the disco box, her boss categorizing it under disco. She placed the record in the right spot just as a knock echoed from the door.

Turning, her vision came across Jonathan Byers, a smile on his face. Bonnie smiled and made her way over, opening the door for the boy.

"'Sup, Byers," she greeted, taking the soda and chocolate he had.

"'Sup, Carver," he greeted back, walking to the back office. "My request here?"

"Duh," Bonnie shouted as she watched him disappear behind the wall, cracking her soda open. "Aren't you supposed to be home to make sure Will gets back safe?"

"He's old enough to take care of himself," Jonathan shrugged it off, walking out with three cassettes in hand. "Thank you."

"No problem," Bonnie smiled as he stood in front of her.

"Besides, Eric needed me to cover his shift, so I did," Jonathan let out a breath. "We need the extra cash."

"I could ask my dad-"

"No, you know I don't like pity money," Jonathan shook his head, pushing off the rack he was leaning against.

"Come on, we have enough," Bonnie pleaded. "My dad wouldn't mind. You know he treats me like a princess."

"A spoiled princess," the older boy teased, poking her forehead.

"I only ask for music and books," Bonnie slapped his finger away lightly, giving Jonathan a look. "Why else would I be working here?"


"Haha," Bonnie let out a mocking laugh as she turned away, picking the box of records and cassettes back up. "Are you still on shift?"

"Yeah, but it's a bit slow since it's a Sunday night and it's 9:30," Jonathan explained.

"Oh, and is that why I have a soda and chocolate?" The blonde teased her friend. "Did you steal Jonathan Byers?"

"Ew, not the full name," he wrinkled his nose, turning away.

"Did you?"

"Okay, I did leave half of what it cost," the brunette mumbled.

Bonnie rolled her eyes and pulled out her wallet. "Here," she slapped a 10 in his hand. "Pay it back, with interest."

"You are so rich," he mumbled.

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