Chapter Three

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"Go," she whispered, watching her brother dash out the door, following him. The pair hurried to the car and hopped in, Jason quickly turning it on.

"Jason David Carver! Bonnie Audra Carver!" A shriek escaped the house just as the radio began blasting out music from the radio.

"Hurry!" Bonnie looked at her brother as he quickly backed out of the driveway, their mother hurrying out the front door.

"You two come back this instant!" She yelled as the car peeled out of the driveway and onto the street, speeding off into the night.

"Haha!" Jason laughed as he looked at their mother in the rearview mirror. "Alright, where are you going tonight?"

"Steve Harrington's," she spoke, pulling down the visor to look in the mirror.

"Woah, really?" Jason looked at his sister with a grin. "And what would you be doing there?"

"A private party and I'm going to support Nancy Wheeler because I'm her friend and I don't trust Tommy H or Carol in the presence of Steve," Bonnie began, rubbing her eyeliner to smear it a little on purpose. "Especially considering those two fuck like rabbits non-stop. I swear I caught them in the bathroom one time, and with that influence, who knows what Steve "The Hair" Harrington would do when it comes to young, innocent Nancy. On top of that, Barb is going and she's shy and reserved, and who knows what will happen with alcohol, and Tommy and Carol, and-"

"Okay, I get it, jeez," the boy huffed, driving down the road toward the Harrington household. "Put in a good word for me, will you?"

"Sure, but only if you get better at basketball," Bonnie teased as he pulled up to the house, stopping at the entrance to the driveway. "Or join the swim team."

"No need to be mean," Jason grinned and watched his sister leave, adjusting her leather jacket.

Walking up to the house, Bonnie began twisting her hands, worried about what would happen. She hadn't been to very many parties, not like her brother, considering she preferred the quiet of her room or being busy at work. But since her mother put her and her brother on a sort of lockdown, her boss had to find someone to cover her shifts until she was allowed to leave.

Loud thumping music reverberated through her body as it escaped the house, and Bonnie rocked on her feet for a few seconds before pressing the doorbell. After a few seconds, the double doors opened to reveal Steve, a big grin on his face.

"Hello, Bonnie," he greeted, hand propping on his hip. "Welcome to my home."

"Thank you," she gave him a small smile.

"We're out in the back," he began, stepping aside for her to step through. "Nancy and Barbara are here already."

"So, what are the rules of your house?" She asked, watching him shut the doors.

"What do you mean?" He frowned.

"Shoes off? Jacket hung up? That type of stuff?" She tilted her head in wonder.

"Jeez, I'm not that strict," he chuckled. "You can keep whatever you want on. We're out at the pool, so it's all up to you."

"Thanks," Bonnie mumbled as she followed Steve through the house, taking in the neat and modern furniture and decor. 

She noticed that the house had little photos of Steve and his family, maybe one portrait of the trio, but she could tell that neither parent cared about Steve. She could tell based on the lack of photos and the personality of the rooms. Although her family was a little dysfunctional, it still had a life to it. Her mother had made the rooms cozy and full of life. There were portraits and pictures of the family, even their family album was sitting on the shelf for anyone to flip through. Trinkets the Carvers bought and collected over the years lay in a perfect spot somewhere in the house, and even items that Jason and Bonnie created in elementary and middle school were on display. Looking at Steve's home, she could begin to understand why he acted the way he did, especially based on the way he talked about his parents earlier that day.

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