Chapter Eight

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The doorknob began to rattle, causing the trio to gasp. Bonnie jumped to her feet and raised her hands in defense, biting back a hiss from the pain shooting up her leg. The lock that Nancy had placed the night before had stopped her mother from entering and seeing a boy and girl in her room.

"Honey, are you up?" Mrs. Wheeler called out.

"Yeah," Nancy let out a little breath, coming down from a scare. "I'm...I'm getting dressed."

"I, uh, made some blueberry pancakes," her mother said.

"I'll be down in a second," the brunette replied, closing her eyes.

After the sounds of Mrs. Wheeler's footsteps going down the hall, the three began to relax. Bonnie turned to look at the two still on the bed to see their hands were connected, instantly coming apart after they noticed as well. Must have been on instinct that their hands came together.

"Your mom doesn't knock?" Jonathan asked, earning a laugh from the group.

"Nope," both girls shook their heads with small smiles.


"It burns!" Bonnie gasped as Nancy sprayed the wound with antiseptic before wrapping a clean bandage around it. Jonathan stood nearby with a soft grimace, holding Nancy's perfume.

"We have to disinfect it," Nancy hissed to her. "And then we have to cover your blood smell with something it may not like."

"Oh, fuck me!" The blonde gasped as she gripped Nancy's sheets tightly, head falling back in pain. Jonathan watched with a frown as crackles of electricity formed around her hands, Nancy, however, didn't notice. His eyes shifted up to see her one blue eye glowing brightly as if it connected to the electricity forming in her hands. But that shouldn't be possible. 


"Done," Nancy sighed, standing up. "We need to get dressed in something more functional if we're going to fight this thing."

Jonathan turned away as the pair of girls went through Nancy's closet, quickly picking out some things that would help them in the fight against the monster. After choosing something warm, Nancy pulled on her boots before finding another pair and holding them out for Bonnie. The blonde sat on the bed and began to put them on before frowning.

"Do you...have anything bigger?" She asked, checking the size. "I'm not a size 7."

"What size are you?" Nancy frowned.

"Uh, a 10," Bonnie looked up only to see shocked faces. "What?"

"You wear...a size 10?" Nancy blinked.

"I know, I know," the blonde sighed. "It's not very common, but yes, I do."

"I think we'll have to break into your house to get you a pair of shoes," Jonathan mumbled. "Or you'll have to wear the ones you wore in that place."

Bonnie glanced at her shoes in the corner and grimaced. "Hell no," she sighed. "I'll go barefoot till we get to my place. I can get a pair easily, but you two can't say anything about what you see. At all."

"Okay?" Nancy and Jonathan mumbled together, sharing a confused look.

"Let's go," Bonnie opened Nancy's window as she set up her music, making sure to play it loud enough for her mother to not suspect she was gone until she opened the door, somehow.

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