Chapter Thirteen

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"Is it dead?" Steve asked, sitting up carefully with Nancy's help.

"Where'd it go?" Nancy asked instead as she looked at the empty hallway.

"No," Jonathan gasped as he coughed from the smoke. "It has to be dead."

Bonnie stayed on the ground, shaking. She couldn't believe she had done it again. She had killed another person and brought them back.

"Hey," Steve moved over, placing a hand on her shoulder, feeling the teen flinch away. "It was my fault for grabbing you. I should have known better."

"I should have stopped when Jonathan said to get back," Bonnie whimpered out, tears still falling.

"You got lost in your anger," Steve assured her. "But I'm fine. You saved me. Thank you. I'm not mad."

"I'm sorry for breaking your ribs," she looked at the teen as he placed a hand on his chest.

"Is that why it feels like they're moving?" He joked.

"I did CPR, it tends to break ribs," she gave him a soft smile.

"It's gone," Jonathan said as he and Nancy entered the living room, noticing something odd about Steve's shirt. "Hey, take off your shirt."

"What?" Steve looked at the teen.

"T-take off your shirt, it looks like your skin is damaged," Jonathan said, causing Bonnie to start to cry again.

Steve quickly yanked off his shirt, letting out a groan of pain in the process, and looked at his chest. Sure enough, there were burn marks like lightning bolts across his body and moving toward his back. It had left the skin around them red, but the burns themselves were white.

"It must have been from when I grabbed Bonnie," he mumbled, hesitantly touching one, only to realize it didn't hurt.

"Yeah, must have been," Jonathan mumbled as he looked at Nancy, the pair noticing a strange marking on Steve's lower back. There was no way that electricity had made that mark, but it had revealed something more supernatural, more ethereal. More...fate-like.

It was of three circles, all interlocked.

"Uh, Steve," Nancy mumbled, noticing the lights above them start to turn on. The teen quickly pulled Bonnie to her feet, jumping a little from a small spark that hit him from her, but he knew it was just simple static electricity. The pain went away almost instantly.

The quartet backed away down the hall, all looking at the lights forming a line, almost trapping them at the end of the hall. But they turned around after a second, causing the group to look at them confused. Following them and realizing they weren't bad, they watched as the lights moved toward the door.

"Mom," Jonathan whispered, realizing something. "Is that you? Mom."

But the teen didn't earn a response. The lights turned off as they led to the door, meaning if it was Jonathan's mother, she and Hopper must have been in the Upside Down looking for Will. The group moved out onto the porch as they looked at the street lamp nearby, the light flickering.

"Where's it going?" Nancy wondered.

"I don't think that's the monster," Jonathan answered causing the others to look at him.


Bonnie watched as the doctors took off with Steve in the back of the hospital, standing near Jonathan and Nancy. Once they were certain it was safe, the group had traveled to the hospital to treat their wounds, especially the cuts on Bonnie, Jonathan, and Nancy, and to treat Steve for his encounter with electricity. It wasn't every day you died and came back.

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