Chapter 7

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A/N: ERMERGERD AN UPDATE!!!! Read the ending A/N pleaseee!



"Hayley..." Ryan said, breathtaken, as he saw his Portable Cupcake at the door, and unknowingly, walked towards her.

Hayley is here... Ryan thought in disbelief.

The girl who could save the game.

The girl who could destroy it.

"Well isn't this an unwanted surprise," Emmitt sneered as the audience's gaze followed their beloved captain and saw Hayley, and soon adopted Emmitt's tone.

"Hayley, Cupcake, how are you here?" Ryan asked curiously, ignoring Emmitt and oblivious to the silence enveloping around them and the increase of tension in the air.

"Magicz," Hayley joked.

"Seriously, c'mon Pretty Boy, did you really think I could miss your big game?"

Ryan smiled, "Of course not." Ryan escorted Hayley to her reserved seat, with the crowd's gaze focused on them. Ryan may have not noticed, but Hayley felt the radiating resentment.

The ref blew the whistle signaling the end of halftime and start the game back up, and just like that, the whistle snapped the audience back to focus on the real, important thing here: The game.

"Good luck Pretty Boy."

"Thanks Cupcake."

Hayley smiled as Ryan went back on the court.

It was game on.

"Cameron, did you have something to do with this?" Ryan asked Cameron as they were on the court waiting for the start whistle.

"Psh, nah girl," Cameron joked.

And the whistle blew.

I got to do good, Ryan thought. For Hayley. I at least owe her that much.

And just like that... it took a few back to back shots and scores for everyone to realize that Ryan was back.

"Let's go Ryan!" Hayley cheered and the crowd followed her example.

Though not everyone made the connection that Hayley was the one who brought Ryan back.

Hayley sat back to watch the game when Laina leaned over and asked her, "Hayley, I love that you're here, but seriously... how in the hell did you get here!?!"

"Like i said," Hayley grinned, "Magicz."

And maybe in a play-on-words, kind of way, it was.




Hayley had been sitting in her house for hours, bored. She had already cleaned the house twice. Then a third time in case two times wasn't enough.

She felt a gnawing pang in her chest.

She should be somewhere.

She should be there.

She should be at the game.

She should be with Ryan.

It was the most important night, important game, of all of Ryan's life so far, and where was Hayley? Where was she? Stuck.

You're a pretty worthless friend if you can't even show up to a big game, Hayley's mind said.

Well no sh*t Sherlock, Hayley thought back.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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