Chapter 4

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The next day Hayley was released. 

She remained quiet as she rolled herself in the wheelchair. She didn't want anyone pushing her around.

She could do this herself. 

Ryan insisted to stay at Hayley's house to take care of her, until she was comfortable with a wheelchair, but today was Thursday, and Ryan had to go to school, especially before the big game. The doctor had deemed her able to attend school, but Hayley simply chose not to go today. 

"You're going to lose the mobility of your legs for a couple of months..." 

The voice of the doctor haunted her.  

Just one simple car crash and her life is changed?  

"You may not ever use them again..." 

She'd recover.

She had to.

She wouldn't spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. She wouldn't become a burden. She still had things to do, places to go... 

Hayley wiped a tear from her eye. 

She'd be fine. 

She spent the day cleaning and doing things around the house. There was nothing else she could really do. Nibbles and Whiskers, her two cats, were sitting on her lap as she moved around in the wheelchair. 

Last night, Hayley's and Ryan's fathers moved furniture around so that she'd be able to get through and have easy access throughout the house. 

Sure, she was thankful for their consideration, but it wasn't like she didn't hear the words they said behind her back. 

"Just a liability..." 

Hayley smashed the dish she was drying on the floor. 

"Dammit, Dammit, Dammit!!!" Hayley shouted. 

She didn't ask for this... it wasn't her fault... 

No, it wasn't Ryan's either, Hayley thought. It wasn't his fault.  

Hayley rolled outside to the back porch. The cat jumped off her lap as she left the house and they curled up on the couch cushions

The sky was a light gray, small sprinkles falling from the sky. Wind blowing through the trees and the wind rustling the leaves. 

It was the rain's fault. 

It was the world's fault.

"I HATE YOU!" Hayley yelled at the sky. "I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!" 

The wind blew silently as a response. 

Hayley sighed as she began to cry. 

"No, no crying for you," Hayley muttered to herself as she wiped her tears away.  

Birds flew out of a large tree, giving Hayley the perfect shot for another photo. She took out the camera she borrowed from Mr. Smith, since her personal camera was destroyed, and took a few pictures. 

"On the bright side, I can still take pictures," Hayley smiled. 

The little bag/cubby on the side of her wheelchair contained a few things. The camera, for one. Her iPod as well. Along with a snack size Nutella jar that Ryan had picked up for her. 


He blamed himself for what happened, Hayley thought. It's not his fault. The world just doesn't like me, that's all. 

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