The Beginning Of The End - Part 2

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A/N: No TW for this one, you're safe /gen


The fall seemed endless, blackness surrounding him for hours, until suddenly there was a drop and he landed. Hard.

The last thing he remembered was falling out of the sky, the burst of a bullet breaking through his chest, and staring at Jameson as he fell out of the safety net of his magic. Magic that had saved his life more times than he could count.

He didn't blame the magician, of course. As the memory had played back, Jameson had tried to warn him, but he hadn't listened.

And now he was here.

He tried not to move on the floor, afraid he might shift something. He wasn't in any pain, but he wasn't numb, either. He was just scared.

For once in his life, CB was scared.

After another couple of minutes of not falling and realising he was somewhat okay, he sat up. His breathing was growing fast; his eyes adjusting to the dark, void-like space he was in. But it wasn't a void, because there was furniture, and more importantly, a cell surrounding him. But it was pitch black.

He rose to his feet, stumbling to the nearest piece of furniture which happened to be a small table with a radio atop it. He didn't want to turn it on, but his curiosity was piquing. He resisted, turning this way and that to find his next destination.

The covers of a bed caught his eye next, light blue in colour with frills on the ends, as if they'd been chosen for a little girl rather than a grown man.

As he turned to look for the next object in the room, a voice stopped him. "You are awake." It was a generic text-to-speech voice, as if trying to hide the person's true identity.

"I know who you are!" Chase shouted, spinning in place to look for a hidden video camera. The little red light should be easy enough to spot. "You can't fool me by not using your own voice!"

"You are scared," the voice told him back, what seemed like a taunt lying within it's unchanging tone. "Please do not be. He cannot see you here, nor hurt you. I have come to bring you food."

Chase's heart pounded in his chest at the thought that whoever this was was somewhere nearby where he couldn't see. Then he heard a noise like a ceramic plate sliding against the ground and followed it to what seemed like the end of the room. The plate held a small sandwich and a cup of water with fruit and Chase stood shocked. He tried to find where the food had come in, but it was still all void.

"Who are you?" he asked quietly, sitting down on the floor and grabbing the plate. The voice was quiet in response. "Fine, clearly this all doesn't matter to you that much, but tell me something."

"I have a few minutes before he notices I am gone."

Chase hummed as he began to pick the sandwich apart. There were a couple of things on it he didn't like but unless this presence could somehow see him from outside the cell, he didn't expect they would stop him. "Are you a robot? What's with using the fake voice?"

"I would rather not answer that. Just know it is for a physical reason; I am not hiding," the voice answered.

While it was a little cryptic, it answered more than Chase thought it would. "Okay... do you have a name? Something I can refer to you by?"

The voice was quiet again. "You can call me Him."

"Him? Like, the pronoun?"

"Yes. Like the pronoun. It is less complicated than giving you my real name."

Chase finished picking the sandwich apart. "I believe you. This whole thing seems complicated. Are you British?" He took a bite of his sandwich while he waited for Him to come up with a response. Something about the texture of the bread in the bite threw him off but he continued eating, realising how hungry he was.

"Irish," the voice responded after a while. "I was taken from my home much like you."

"Is that not too much information? Are you going to get in trouble for telling me that?" Chase worried through his next bite of the sandwich. The bread was soggy, he realised, scrunching his face a little in disgust. Still, his hunger persisted.

"It is common knowledge to most. Of course, you never noticed. Chase Brody."

Chase frowned and set down his sandwich to reach for the cell bars. It felt like nothing when he grabbed it. "I'm sorry. If I had known you were in trouble like this, I'd have tried to help!"

"I know you would. Does not matter now."

"Are you a prisoner like me?" Chase got to his feet. "Is there another cell I can't see?"

"I was once. Not anymore. Yet, I am still not free." The sound of shuffling far outside of the cell drew Chase's attention. "I have to go."

Chas grew frantic again, stumbling until he found a corner of the room closer to the sound. "One more question! Please, where are we? Please!"

The sounds paused. Chase didn't know if they had left or not, but he sulked into the corner anyway, fed up with the soggy sandwich.

"You are safe." he heard loudly, somewhere right next to him but where he couldn't see. It didn't give him any reassurance like the voice had probably hoped, but it did, however, give him the motivation he needed to begin plotting an escape, no matter how impossible it seemed to be.

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