Pure of Heart, Dark of Mind - Part 2

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Some violence in this chapter :)


Henrik walked down the sidewalk holding a paper lunch bag in his hands. There was a natural grin on his face, one that wouldn't make anyone who seen him the least bit suspicious by the not-so-natural behaviour of a grown man carrying a paper lunch with no book bag or anything; he obviously wasn't going to work in the forest green sweatsuit, so he wanted to make himself otherwise as inconspicuous as possible. No one gave him a second glance.

He took a sharp turn into a housing complex and jogged up the stairs into a house he was paying for with his own money. Jackie wouldn't be home for a while, so there was time to waste on his little joy project without his housemate wondering where he'd gone off to.

"Ace! Lunch time!" he called into the abandoned looking house. It was only this way because he didn't want to bother on any decorations for the main rooms, except for the bedroom he entered, where there Ace was, head turned toward the window with a dark scowl on his face. His eyes moved to watch his captor's every move, but he refused to say anything out of spite. "How's a sandwich sound? Can you move your hands enough to bring it to your mouth? I do so apologise for having to shorten your give," Henrik rambled, apology half-assed as with any amount of sympathy he thought to give. It was as if he was trying to make himself seem likeable, but the iron shackles would never tell the same story.

Ace reached for the bag but it was just enough out of reach that he couldn't touch it. Thankfully, Henrik kicked it over to him, knocking it down and letting the plastic-wrapped sandwich spill onto the floor. Ace didn't even care, unwrapping the thing as calmly as he could, but desperation tempting him to tear it apart like a hungry animal. It wasn't that he hadn't eaten since his capture-he ate two good meals a day, and Henrik even cooked some of them himself-but the captivity instincts were nevertheless there.

"Ten minutes until training, don't take too long." Henrik's hand dove into his pocket to retrieve a cell phone and he looked at the bright screen with a subdued expression. "Oh. Make that five. We'll have to end early today."

Fear is a coward's worst enemy. Lucky for Ace, he wasn't a coward, though his fear was plentiful. It mostly revolved around his own magical abilities and the harm and danger they had and continued to cause. He still wondered about that train station light.

He focused those thoughts into his power as he built up and let it flow specifically into the bulb in front of him.

He'd been here for merely a week, and yet that week with Henrik had been more beneficial to him than any time he'd practiced alone.

Obviously, he wouldn't tell the man that, it would go straight to his head, but he had to commend him-for a non-magic-bearing person he knew his stuff. Whether that was because he had trained as a doctor and had had access to books on it, or some other, more creepy reason, Ace didn't want to know.

Where had Henrik's interest in magic even come from? Was it that housemate he seemed so fond of and talked about whenever he got a hint of Ace's accent again? Everything seemed to revolve around him, and Ace could only wonder if he'd live to meet the man. He felt like they had a lot in common.

Henrik praised him in a hushed tone as the "lesson" finished. "Very good, this is going better than I could have ever imagined. You are going to help me to a great degree, Ace."

Ace silently seethed, cuffs rattling around his wrists as his hands shook with greatly increasing anger. Small sparks flew off of him and sizzled on the tile flooring, and he was so glad in that moment they weren't made of wood or the house would have gone up faster than he could blink with the amount of bright sparks that were going down.

Henrik took notice to them, frowning a little. "You do not want to help me? I thought we were making progress."

Ace muttered a response, hoping Henrik wouldn't hear it, but that damn bad luck came back to bite him. Henrik stormed over, stepping on one of his hands that lay on the floor he had used as a way to stop the shaking that was now worse than when they'd been shaking.

Ace let out a yell, bringing his hands to his chest once Henrik got off of it. He didn't give him time to rest though, the doctor gripping his chin between a rough thumb and index finger and forcing the softly bearded Irish man to face him. Their eyes met, and Ace was astounded that Henrik still kept his expression cool after all of that. "Will that be all the defiance for today? Or shall I finally show you what medical school taught me?"

Ace but his tongue once again, drawing blood with even the lightest bit of pressure on the already scarred muscle. But this time he didn't swallow it or let it sit there, he gathered it and spit the liquid at his captor's green sweatshirt.

Henrik wasted no time on tightening his grip to around Ace's throat, stretching his neck so he could hardly breathe. It was the only way he knew to incapacitate his captive for a moment until he could unlock the cuffs and throw him to the ground. Ace struggled under him for a moment, but realised he was no match for the doctor's brute strength quite quickly. There was, however, another option.

As Henrik continued to strangle him, Ace lit up his hands underneath him, giving the man no time to adjust or dodge the power being used on him.

He was thrown off violently, landing across the room with his back to the wall and the wide, crazed smile Ace recognised so well coming right back. His blue eyes shone wildly. "An accomplishment this is, isn't it?"

Ace's eyes nearly matched in his fury. Sparks continued to pop off of him as he stood and shouted, "You tried to kill me! You said you wouldn't!"

"I assure you, that was better than any training we've done so far." Henrik's tone was calm in contrast to his mannerisms; his hands clenched at his sides, itching for more of something inside them, his feet shifting against the floor as he built the energy to stand. "And I wouldn't have killed you, I do intend to make that a promise once you prove yourself."

"I have nothing to prove to you! You're sick!" The words Henrik had heard so often from past victims came right back. It was quite an ironic phrase being thrown at a doctor, he thought. "I'm done being your little test subject."

Henrik finally got his feet under him, rising to his full height with a limp. "How about we go on a small walk, hm? Clear our heads. Decide when we get back if that's still your main thought."

The sinister way he suggested it made Ace freeze in place so he could do nothing except stand there in wait for the next words he knew were coming. After all, they're what got him into this mess in the first place. "Let's go. Now."

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