Chapter 2: Liars

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As this story achieved the target 20 likes, here is the second chapter!!


Tay tried to stop him, but Neo quickly dashed and opened the closet.

He was shocked. He never expected this. There was P'New, with his shorts and hands trying to cover his chest.

Neo: "Wtf?"

New, smiling sheepishly: "Hiii.."

Tay: "Shit!"

Neo: "What are you doing here P'New? What is going on here P'Tay?"

Tay: "Hin, I told you to be quiet!"

New: "Well I can't control the nature!"

Tay: "If you held it in we could've escaped!"

New: "Your closet is dusty! That's why I said, I will hide in your bathroom."

Tay: "What if he came to use bathroom?"

New: "There are literally 2 guest rooms and 2 extra bathrooms in this mansion! He will not come here to use toilet!"

Tay: "Now don't argue with me!"

New: "You started it first!"

Neo: "Stop both of you!"

His voice brought them out of their bickering.

Neo: "Get down and get dressed P'New. We will talk."

Tay: "You turn that side."

Neo rolled his eyes and turned to the other side. After few minutes,

Tay: "You can turn back now."

Neo: "Anyone care to explain what is happening here? What is that 'hin'?"

Tay: "Well you caught us. We are dating."

Neo was shell shocked. Tay and New dating? Every time he saw them they were always bantering over one thing or other.

Tay: "Close your mouth. Flies are getting inside."

Neo: "Really P'New? You are in relationship with my brother?"

New, smiles shyly: "Yes, I am."

Neo: "I thought you are like P'Off, P'Tay. Just few mins ago you were preaching about being single. What is this now? You are the eldest after P'Off! How can you be like this? At least others were not like you! What will others think if they came to know about this?"

Tay: "Stop talking without knowing anything. I don't know about others, but I know Singto is also like me."

Immediately after Tay blurted out, New hit him.

New: "You can't out him just because you were caught!"

Neo: "Spill it fully P'Tay."

Tay: "I don't know fully. But I am sure he is seeing someone from your university. That's why he is coming to drop and pick you up."

Neo: "Unbelievable. I thought he does that for me! That's why he was opposing when I asked for my own ride."

Tay: "Well, you were fooled."

New: "Shut up Tay!"

He turned his attention to still shocked Neo.

New: "I think it is better if you ask him directly."

Tay: "And don't tell about us while you are at it."

New: "You should've thought that before outing your brother!"

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