Chapter 29: Coming clean

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A/N: Surprise surprise😁


Off: "Hey babe, sorry I had to cut earlier. I need to talk to you."

Gun: "Same here papii, we need to talk."

Off: "Sure."

Gun: "Come to Mix's cafe, we will meet there."

Off: "You sound serious Gun, what's the matter?"

Gun: "It's about Mix's boyfriend."

Off: "Is he really mafia like you imagined?"

Gun: "You should see for yourself."

Off: "Ok, I will be there."

Off cut the call, dressed quickly and got down. He was surprised to see Tay, New and Singto also dressed to head out.

Off: "Are you guys going somewhere?"

TayNew couldn't figure out whether Off accepted them with that neutral expression of his.

Singto: "We are coming with you P'Off."

Off: "With me? Why?"

He was met with silence. Earth was the one who texted them saying they were caught by Gun and Gun called Off. They don't know whether they should break the news to Off or let him face it.

Off: "Whatever, let's go."

Four of them rushed out to the cafe. The cafe was closed for others. But they had no trouble in getting inside.

Off found Gun sitting opposite to Mix and Earth. Earth? What is he doing here? He wondered.

Gun: "Come in papii, take a seat."

Gun was surprised seeing Tay, New and Singto with Off.

Gun: "I... I didn't expect you guys, take a seat."

They shifted the tables so they can sit together.

Off: "What are you doing here Earth? And where is Mix's boyfriend babe?"

Off asked once everyone settled.

Earth: "I am Mix's boyfriend P'Off."

Off: "What?"

Mix: "We are together for almost four years now P'Off."

Off knew Mix had been dating someone for four years from Gun's ramblings but he didn't expect it would be his brother.

Off: "You too?"

Gun: "What do you mean by that papii?"

Off: "Few hours before I found out these two are dating for seven years now."

He said pointing to TayNew. Except Singto no one knew they were caught.

Gun: "It's good to know I was not imagining things."

Off looked at him quizzically.

Gun: "What? Don't tell me you didn't notice anything before?"

Off: "I didn't until recently. Then again, I didn't suspect them together!"

Earth: "That's because you were blind to those things before you got into relationship P'Off."

A sharp glare from Off made him shut up. He forgot they were in trouble for now.

The door clicked open allowing exhausted Neo to get inside. He was taken aback seeing all of them here. He smiled awkwardly.

Neo: "Hi... what are you all doing here?"

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