Chapter 34: Beach trip 1

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A/N: Since beach trip won majority votes, here you go!


Three months later

Today was a lazy friday afternoon but Mix's cafe was bustling with energy. Officially the shop was closed for the day but nine members gathered there were making it look like normal day. Everyone were hyperactive that day, because they are finally going on a weekend beach trip to Pranburi and this place was their starting point.

After months of planning, finally their trip was out of the group chat. Almost.

Gun: "Is he on his way?"

Neo: "He should be P'Gun."

They were waiting for Louis, who unexpectedly had to run a quick errand.

Tay: "Hin... stop eating those cookies! You are spoiling him Mix!"

Earth: "You should control your boyfriend P! Don't take it on my poor boyfriend."

New: "Mix makes the best cookies."

Mix: "No one appreciates me like you P'New, do you need some more?"

Krist: "I am feeling sleepy already."

Off: "Me too."

Singto: "How can you feel sleepy? I am so excited I didn't even sleep last night."

Krist: "Good for you."

Their chatting was interrupted when Neo yelled.

Neo: "He is here!!"

After few minutes Louis stepped in with his luggage.

Louis: "Sorry everyone, I kept you all waiting."

Off: "It's fine Louis."

New: "Now everyone is here, let's hit the road!"

Singto: "Yayyy!"

Neo: "Yayyy!"

After another 10 minutes of discussion, they finally boarded on their rides. OffGun were incharge of ride, they had booked them two SUVs. OffGun, KristSingto, NeoLouis boarded on the first with Off driving them. On the second one it was TayNew and EarthMix with Earth behind the wheel. They were set out for their 3 hours journey stopping occasionally for breaks.

They reached their destination around late evening.

Car 1

Neo was driving now.

Neo: "P'Tay stopped here, I guess this is where we're staying."

Louis: "Looks like it, they are getting down."

Neo also parked beside his P'Tay.

Off, Gun and Louis already got down and went to help others with their luggage, since their luggages were in second car.

Krist: "Singtuan... wake up..."

No response.

Krist: "We're here... wake up now..."

Singto: "Mhm...."

Neo: "P! Wake up!"

Seeing them not getting out, Tay came to their car followed by Off.

Tay: "Is he sleeping?!"

Off: "That's what happens when you don't sleep at night. Excited for trip huh!"

Neo: "Yeah so excited and he slept all the way here!"

They laughed loudly.

Singto: "Sshhhhh..."

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