Chapter 16: Gift Card

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When Off entered everyone went silent. Earth was sitting in a small bench and beside him, one of his team mate was cleaning the bruise on his cheek. Next to them were his siblings plus Louis, Krist, New, Gun and Mix. The sight of everyone being present made him even more guilty for forgetting such important thing. He went towards Earth, the team mate moved aside and everyone went out leaving them alone.

Earth smiled when Off sat beside him, his eyes were red, probably he cried Off assumed. There were purple bruise forming on his left cheek. Off carefully touched his wound, Earth flinched at the contact.

Off: "I am sorry."

Earth: "It's alright P'Off, the wound is still fresh that why it stings."

Off: "No, I am sorry for not coming. I was busy and this totally slipped my mind."

Earth: "P'Tay said you were busy. Don't apologise P'Off."

Off: "But still..."

Earth: "I am fine really. Others were here to cheer up."

Off: "I noticed."

Earth: "It would be so good if I had won."

He sighed and Off noticed the silent tears.

Off: "It's alright, I am sure you will win in next match."

Off gently patted his shoulder and Earth broke down in his hug. He let the tears he'd been holding back. Off didn't say anything and gently stroked his back calming him. After few minutes Earth pulled back and looked like he was fine now.

Off: "You know what, how about you use your gift card?"

Gift card is something their parents started when they were kids. They can use their gift card and get anything from the other. It is not really a card, just a promise the other will do whatever asked of him. Mostly they used to it get gifts or permission to trips or ask help from others.

Earth: "I will save it for later P'Off."

Off: "Then I will use mine."

Earth: "What are you going to do?"

Off: "Anything you ask, if you want me to do something or buy you anything, this is your chance. I will do whatever you ask tonight."

Earth chuckled. Off has his way of doing things. He thought for a moment and then something striked him.

Earth: "You won't back off right?"

Off: "I swear I will not."

Earth: "Then, let's have dinner, everyone."

Off: "Easy. Where do you want to have dinner? I will book table for us."

Earth: "In our home. By everyone, I meant everyone came to cheer me not us five alone."

Off was taken aback but he accepted. Earth packed his belongings and Off helped him. When they stepped out almost everyone were gone except for his small cheer troupe. Neo was mimicking the boxing move, New and Krist were correcting him. Tay and Gun were engrossed in some serious talk, Singto and Louis were watching Neo's antics. Mix was worriedly looking over Earth's room and he was the first one to notice their presence.

Earth: "Guys, P'Off said he will do anything I ask him tonight."

Neo: "You are using your gift card?"

Off: "Actually I am using mine."

Singto: "So what are we doing?"

Earth: "Everyone is invited for dinner at our house."

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