Chapter 35: Beach trip 2

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A/N: I already wrote this few weeks back but I didn't have time to upload. Sorry for the wait.


When Neo and Louis arrived for breakfast, the table was already full and others were chatting. They gave their orders and joined the conversation.

Neo: "What's going on?"

New: "Nothing new, Mix is still rambling about how he was woken up by that prank."

Mix: "If I ever found them, I am not going to leave them alone. Why the hell they don't have CCTVs there?"

Neo choked on his food. He didn't expect Mix will be this serious about this.

Off: "Because they don't want to record couples like you making out on the way?"

Earth: "Please leave that P'Off."

Krist: "Don't worry Mix, I am with you."

Mix: "Thank you P!"

Neo: "Me also P'Mix... we will help you."

Singto and Louis silently exchanged their glances. Their boyfriends were really mischievious.

Tay: "So, what's the plan for today?"

Krist and Singto were incharge of today's agenda.

Krist: "Ferry ride in Pranburi river before noon."

Singto: "You can spend the rest of the day however you wish, I am sure we don't want to stick together like kids on a school trip."

Tay: "Absolutely."

Gun: "I second that."

They chatted and left to their cars after breakfast. After 30 minutes they reached the riverside. They booked somewhat expensive luxurious boat, so they didn't have to wait. They were geared up with life jackets as they boarded the boat.

Singto: "P'Off... is my jacket fully secured? Can you check it?"

Krist: "I already double checked it, you are fully safe. You don't trust me?"

Off just chuckled seeing them. Singto was infact looking tiny bundled under his two life jackets. Singto was never a fan of water adventures. Without minding their audience the couple continued their bickering.

Singto: "How can I trust you? You already know I am sea sick and still you planned this!"

Krist: "This is river Singtuan... you are going to be fine. This is a smooth boat ride through the river to see forest view. I also informed them to drive slowly."

Singto: "What if we crashed on something and I drowned?"

Krist: "I will find some plank and keep you alive like Rose from Titanic."

Collective gag noises echoed in the boat.

Tay: "I am not even sea sick but I want to throw up."

Earth: "Please someone hold me back, I want to jump out of the boat."

Off: "Why don't we throw them out and put it to test?"

Neo: "I will record."

Singto: "What a supportive siblings I have!"

They all broke into laughter. The ride started slowly and it was maintained till end because Singto would get restless if they sped up. Others didn't mind that because the scenery was peaceful and relaxing. After two hour ride, they came back to their starting point.

Singto: "Finally sweet sweet earth!"

Earth: "Aww.. you like me that much P?"

Tay: "I thought you dropped that lame joke when you started your 2nd grade."

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