Chapter 6: Why are you here?!

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"K-Kanato-kun..?" Yui said with a soft whispering voice when she said the name of a certain familiar purple haired male vampire. Amethyst quickly turns around and gasps in surprise and horror. They both had been caught red handed..

Yui does her best to muster up her courage to try and at least face Kanato.. However, her legs on the other hand are still shaking in fear.. But she tries her very best to not lose her posture. Kanato held his teddy a little tight when he witness the human with a talking a living doll. In his mind, he wonders how is "Yui able to do that? What sorcery has this girl made it come to life?"

Soon... he starts to get more confused, but envied at such spectacular ability she possess. Looking at the living doll, Kanato grins even more and his eyes grew a little wide with excitement in them..

Amethyst is already infront of Yui protecting her master from this vile man. However, she was also terrified while looking at Kanato's expression.. She can sense a very a horrifying vibe from him as if she However, she shakes it off and glares at Kanato. As a loyal friend, she has the right to do that, because hurting her master means the culprit must have a punishment.. But can a mere doll like Amethyst beat a mere vampire? Kanato is an extreme Yandere.. Or maybe not too extreme.. But is a yandere who would do anything to hurt Yui..

It was too late for Yui herself to hide Amethyst right before the vampire.. Kanato makes his way to the human and the maiden starts to tremble.. She was worried not for herself, but her friend Amethyst.. She could imagine Kanato breaking her into pieces while she screams in agony. Or maybe the worst.. She can see in that terrifying image..

After 3 seconds of having a horrific imaginations, Yui snaps herself back to reality. She realize Kanato is already infront of her. Much to her surprise, she didn't expect the outcome.. But that did not stop her from shaking as she is still terrified of the purple hair vampire with bags under his deep crystal purple Eyes.. 'Good lord.. I am in big trouble..' Yui thought in her mind as a single sweat trickled down from her fair skin forehead..

Amythyst who is staying by the platinum blonde's side stared at Kanato intensely as she has a suspicious feeling about the vamp. As a sentient assistant, she is to make sure her master does not get hurt and she swore and vow to her life to protect Yui..

With a hum escaping from Kanato's mouth, he turns to the doll with a slight smile still on his face. He is indeed intrigued by Amethyst with a feisty look on her face. He can also tell that the autonomous doll herself is protective over Yui.. A

How happy can the vampire be..? He is pretty amazed on how Yui's little toy of a friend can move around and fly around? He has a lot of question in his mind.. 'How did she make this lovely doll alive? What is the source inside..? Does Yui-san have magic..?' Those were the question in Kanato's mind. Like a cat, he is really curious about Yui and her doll.. And he wants to know her true origin.. Maybe he wants her more than her blood..? Whatever he likes, he just looks her smiles feeling curious and suspicious at the same time staring at the blonde with wide eyes..

Yui remained still on her spot with Kanato staring at her making her feel unnerve.. She could feel her heart beating so fast that she starts to sweat uncontrollably.. With so much emotions going hysteric, she breathes a little fast and the adrenalin inside.. Well we can't say it is going faster or not..

The woman is still trapped in her own mind with so much fear.. She had so many thoughts about Kanato of what he might do to her after he found out her little secret..

But not only Yui thinks about how Kanato would go this far to punish her.. She is also worried about Amethyst.. Her loyal friend who swear her life to protect her with all her might and soul.. However, the doll herself is so small and petite..

"Yui-san.." Kanato calls out to her name with a soft-like voice which cause her to snap back to reality.. The purple haire vampire gave the doll a gentle stroke on her her hair.. It also made Yui get scared to the point she is about to protect Amethyst..

However, seeing how Kanato is giving the living doll a head pat on the head, Amethyst grew a little confused to why she is given a headpat on the head.

Yui is still scared for dear life, but after seeing what Kanato is doing, she delivers a sigh of relief. "Ne. Yui-san.." She gets her heart jump once again after hearing her name being called by Kanato. "Y-Yes Kanato-kun..?" She replies in her dilly dally stammering speech.. Yui starts to expect a punishment from the vampire.. But.. nothing came.. Why..?

"Yui-san. Is this your doll..?" Kanato ask her politely with a gleeful innocent smile mixed with excitment in it.. Yui looks at Kanato nervously and with the a response, she nods slowly and tries not to move a muscle..

Despite all this, she has a lot in her mind. She is thinking so hard that she cannot focus.. She is in fact worried and scared at the same time as she is lost in her own world.

"Trapped in your scattered mind are we Yui-san~?" Yui snapped back to reality and looked at Kanato who is wearing a grin..? Sweats roll down from her forehead..

Meanwhile, with Yui's double personalities, Kuro Yui fumes in anger due to Kanato interrupting her conversation with the original Yui.. "Damn Vampire interjecting our small talk! I swear to god! If that vampire ever tried to break our conversation, I will! And I mean, I will take over Yui and break his neck!!" Kuro Yui sneered as she is pacing around.. Shiro Yui couldn't help but tries her best to calm her unraged sister.. "Sis. Please.. calm down.. there has to be a way to help Yui.." The gentle trait in white said to the dark hearted trait which caused the other to snap at here with a gaze of resentment.. "Hahaha. You can continue to say that, but gee! That doesn't even help at all..!!" Kuro Yui barks back at her which caused the girl in white to flinch. "Kuro.. pleass.. just hang in there and don't let it out just yet.." Shiro says in a rather soft quiet tone with so much worried. The girl in black groans in exasperation.. "Fine...!" Shiro Yui smiles at the response. "Thank you.."

Back on track, Yui fiddles with her fingers.. While Amethyst is just giving Kanato a protective gaze.. "Yui-san.." With the name being repeatedly called, Yui pursed her lips nervously as she is trying to find ways to answer Kanato.. She soon had no choice, but to tell him. "Kanato-kun! Yes! This is Amethyst my doll! Even though she lives because of my magical power!! But tell no one about this secrecy of mine!" Yui frantically tells him with a shaking voice.. which made the latter smile even more.

He hums in a response and looks at Amethyst with delight and a tiny bit of excitement. How could a yandere like Kanato would never love a doll so alive and cute..?

"Yui. She is a beauty. Not to mention that she is alive and can speak." Kanato says before putting his hand gently on the doll which caused her to flinch. Amethyst was expecting to get hit, but there was nothing hurting her. Instead, she is confused to why Kanato is giving her affection.. The vampire giggles at the doll before giving Yui a gentle headpat..

"Don't worry Yui. Your secrets are safe with me." Kanato reassures her with a soft tone in his voice which made her calm down. "But.. if you disobey me, I will reveal whatever sorcery is hidden within you. Got that?" Kanato said in a rather sinister voice which caused Yui to tense a bit.. but nods agreeing to Kanato. "Good. Now let's go home." The vampire said before turning away and Yui nods obediently. Amethyst flies back into her bag then the blonde herself follows Kanato back into the limo with the others..

The two leaves from the school yard after a short secret discussion.. However, a girl with long raven hair and red eyes comes out from behind the tree with her doll.. Izuna.. "Seeing Yui being threatened by a mere vampire is enough for me to stand.." Izuna said in a rather quiet voice with a hint of anger within..

Hey readers. It's been so long since I updated this book.. However, I was not only losing motivation.. I had other new stories to think of and I had been dealing with life on my own.. At the same time, I am now in college.. So things are gonna be slow for me.. but don't worry. I will try my best.. I am sorry if I have not been able to post for a while..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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